- conversion of strain tensor 应变张量转换
- principal value of strain tensor 应变张量主值
- She's under a lot of strain at the moment; her child's very ill. 她现在心情紧张,因为她的小孩病得很厉害。
- Conversion of your heating system from coal to gas will be costly. 你把暖气系统由烧煤改造成烧瓦斯会花好多钱。
- Conversion of one substance into another. 变质从一种物质向另一种物质的转化
- I've been under a lot of strain. 我现在压力好大。
- Individual Conversion of Plnned Ord. 计划订单的个别转换。
- The signs of strain were on both women. 这两个女人身上仍残留着过度劳神的痕迹。
- The conversion of a solid or a gas into a liquid. 固体或气体转化为液体的过程。
- Account for conversion of bonds payable. 应付债券转换账户。
- invariant of strain tensor 应变张量不变量
- Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal, with steps between specified levels. 利用规定量化间隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。
- principal axis of strain tensor 应变张量主轴
- rate of strain tensor 应变速率张量
- This consists of conversion of greasy wool into clean wool. 这是把含脂的羊毛变成干净的羊毛。
- Figure 2 Batch Conversion of DWG/DXF in AutoCAD Civil3D 2008. 图3对话方块提供使用者档案格式、版本选取,并进行批次转换。
- We have described the stress tensor arising from equilibrium considerations and the strain tensor arising from kinematical considerations. 我们已经叙述了应力张量和应变张量的有关概念和某些特质,它们是分别从平衡的角度和运动的角度推导而得的。
- To stretch one's body or muscles to the point of strain or injury. 过度伸展伸展身体或肌肉到了扭伤或损伤的程度。
- Conversion of industrial waste from liability to asset. 工业废料由废变益的转换。
- Technical conversion of cement grinding system of Lushan Cement Co. 鹿山水泥公司水泥粉磨系统的技改介绍。