- She decided to convert from Judaism. 她决定不再信犹太教。
- To convert from code into plain text. 译码把密码改译成明了清楚的原文
- He has converted from Catholicism to Judaism. 他已从天主教改信犹太教。
- To convert from a code or cipher to plain text; decode. 破译把密码转变成明了易懂的原文;破译
- It is often necessary to convert from one numeric type to another. 从一种数值类型转换到另一种数值类型是常常需要做的。
- The 25.4 constant is necessary to convert from inches to millimeters. 常量25.;4对于由英寸转换为毫米是必要的。
- We're decided to convert from solid fuel to natural gas when the cold weather sets in. 我们决定在寒冷天气到来以后停用固体燃料,改用天然气。
- The room is converted from a kitchen to a lavatory. 这房间由厨房改成了厕所。
- We've converted from coal to gas central heating. 我们已由燃煤改换成燃气集中供暖。
- He converted from Christianity to Islam. 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。
- Energy can be converted from one form to another. 能量可以从一种形式转变为另一种形式
- He has converted from Catholicism to Judaism . 他已从天主教改信犹太教。
- Britain converted from the old system in1971. 英国1971年改变了旧币制。
- Energy can be converted from one form into another. 能量可由一种形式转变为另一种形式。
- We converted from 220 to 110 Volt. 我们从220伏特转换成110伏特。
- Angle convertion from degrees to radians. (译):视角转换度弧度。
- It helps to have a variety of constructors to make it easy to make monies. Constructors that convert from basic numeric types are always useful. 最好我们拥有一系列构造函数以便我们生成货币的实例。将基础类型自动进行转换的构造函数通常都很有用。
- The Audio Compression Manager failed to convert from the audio format "%1" to audio format "%2": "%3". 音频压缩管理器从音频格式“%251”转换为音频格式“%252”时失败:“%253”。
- Therefore, it is necessary to convert from ounces to liters prior to invoking the Web service. 因此,在调用Web服务之前就必须把输入从盎司转换为公升。
- In this instance, the Visual Database Tools cannot convert from a bit to a GUID. 这种情况下,Visual Database Tools无法从bit转换为GUID。