- The manager let the job applicants cool their heels in the outer office. 经理让求职的人在外面那间办公室等了很久。
- Foreign businesspeople who are tardy are often left outside to cool their heels as a means of letting them know the importance of promptness. 姗姗来迟的外商常常被冷落在会场外空等,这种做法让他们认识到守时的重要性。
- 1.Foreign businesspeople who are tardy are often left outside to cool their heels as a means of letting them know the importance of promptness. 姗姗来迟的外商常常被冷落在会场外空等,这种做法让他们认识到守时的重要性。
- The enemy soldiers took to their heels when they saw us. 敌人看见我们就逃走了。
- cool their heelsvi. 久候(空等;坐冷板凳)
- The eminent trio were left cooling their heels for nearly four hours 三人高级专家小组足足等了近四的、个小时
- The rest took to their heels to save themselves. 剩下的人都纷纷逃命了。
- Then they all took to their heels in fright. 这时他们都吓得逃跑了。
- The soldiers clicked their heels together. 士兵们喀嚓一声全体立正。
- Arm in arm, the line dancers kicked up their heels. 这一徘舞蹈者臂挽臂,高兴的跳起舞来了。
- And their heel strings are longer. 而且他们的跟腱长些。
- The horses are flinging up their heels in the warm spring air. 马儿在暖和的春天气息里四蹄翻飞。
- At fines local organizations may drag their heels in the campaign. 有时候地方上的组织在竞赛活动中故意拖延。
- Birds use at least half of the air they take in to cool their bodies. 鸟儿至少要使用它们吸入空气的一半来使自己降温。
- At times local organizations may drag their heels in the campaign. 有时候地方组织在竞选活动中故意延迟行动。
- Ah, how they made them skip and lift their heels at the very first crack of the whip! 唉!他们怎样地使得幽魂们一受到第一鞭就提起腿来了啊!
- Prople in the American Southwest use air conditioners to cool their homes. 美国西南的人们使用空调冷却他们的家。
- People in the American Southwest use air conditioners to cool their homes. 美国西南部的人们用空调来使家里变得凉快。
- When the robbers heard the police coming,they took to their heels. 强盗们听见警察到来,拔腿便溜了。
- They dug in their heels and would not lower the price. 他们说什么也不肯降价。