- coordinate grid factor 坐标格网因子
- Hide coordinate grid while slewing? 瞄准时隐藏银河?
- Create a Cartesian coordinate grid and draw the first series of datasets as in a stacked bar chart. 创建一个笛卡尔坐标格子,在堆叠柱形图的数据集的第一个系列。
- Instead, each dataset has a unique label assigned, usually a plain-text name to identify the corresponding object in the coordinate grid. 与此相反,每一个数据集都有唯一一个给定的标签,经常是平常的文本名,在坐标格子中用来识别一致的事物。
- In this article, the meaning of the fundamental structure is analyzed.The fundamental structure of Cartesian coordinate grid is presented. 首先探讨了基本结构的含义,提出笛卡尔直角坐标系下具体的基本结构,讨论了该基本结构的各种剖分方式;
- elimination of dense coordinate grid 稠密坐标网格去除
- The algorithm for body-fitted coordinate grids generation is one of the key techniques of numerical simulation in hydrokinetics. 贴体坐标网格生成算法是流体动力学等领域中进行数值模拟的关键技术问题。
- Coordinate grid analysis method based on stereo vision 基于立体视觉的坐标网格分析法
- The ten symbolic alphabets correspond to cells. The components built by following the coordinate grids would be one more evidence of the sequentiality of UPiLOTX+Y shown in Table 4.1.4. 上述十个笔结,相当英文字母,用座标法,组合出来之字元,为笔结码之精准顺序性之又一佐证。详表四.;一
- Automatic Extraction of Coordinate Grid Lines from Scanned Mining Maps 矿图扫描图像中坐标格网线的自动提取
- That's a factor which we must not neglect. 这是我们不应忽视的一个因素。
- I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了。
- Based on Coordinate Grid Analysis Method The Experimental Strain Field Ahead the Interfacial Bonding of Rubber-Steel 基于网格应变场测量法的橡胶-钢板粘结界面应变分布研究
- Study on Technique for Generating Boundary-Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate Grid Using the Biharmonic Equations 双调和方程生成正交曲线坐标网格技术的研究
- Using Coordinate Grid Reduction Method to Determine the Plane Position of Points 坐标格网归化法测设点的平面位置
- His experience in social work is a plus factor. 他在社会福利工作方面的经验是一个有利因素。
- Generation and application of the orthogonal curvilinear coordinate grid in Humen estuary 伶仃洋正交曲线坐标网格的生成及在虎门双向射流数值模拟中的应用
- The deciding factor; the deciding vote. 决定性的因素; 决定性的一票
- The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。
- An unknown or unnamed factor, thing, or person. 未知之(人)物,不知道的或未命名的因素、物体或人