- copper bearing steel 含铜钢,铜钢
- Nitrogen Atmosphere in Bearing Steel Ball H, T. 氮基保护气氛中轴承钢球的热处理
- Surface hardened steel, surface heat treatingchemical treating materials, copper, aluminum alloy sheet, zinc layers, chrome layers, tin layers, bearing steel, coldhard casting parts, etc. 表面淬火钢,材料表面热处理和化学处理,铜、铝合金等薄板,镀锌、镀铬、镀锡材料,轴承钢,冷硬铸件等。
- High quality bearing steel is selected to prolong the beering's service life. 轴承选用精制轴承钢,使用寿命长。
- Copper Bearing Age Hardening Steel 含铜时效钢
- This paper made a description of gold extracting from copper bearing gold concentrate of a gold mine of Guangdong by roasting aqueous leaching cyaniding process. 对广东某金矿含铜金精矿焙烧-水浸-氰化提金工艺进行试验研究,试验结果证明工艺是成功的。
- Wuxi Zhenda Bearing Steel Tube Manufacturing Co.,Ltd, professional seamless steel tube manufacturer. 无锡市振达轴承钢管制造有限公司,专业无缝钢管制造商.
- To do anneal process of bearing steel wire rod experiments with the furnace,a set of sphe... 冷拉轴承钢钢丝,无论中间品和成品,不论规格大小和变形量多少,可采用统一的退火工艺。
- The hot workability of high-carbon-chromium bearing steel has been studied by means of the hot torsion. 用热扭转实验方法研究高碳铬轴承钢的热加工性能。
- In this paper the annealed structure and its grade of bearing steel with abnormal original structure have been studied. 本文研究了非正常原始组织的轴承钢,退火后的组织及其评级问题。
- Thus provide the basis for applying Ba containing ferro-alloy in LF to carry out final deoxidation of bearing steel. 从而为LF炉中直接采用钡系合金处理轴承钢提供依据。
- The composition of this rolling bearing steel provides an optimum balance between manufacturing and application performance. 这种轴承钢提供制造与应用性能之间的最佳平衡。
- Influence of ingot form on the distribution of globular inclusions in bearing steel treated by CaSi injection has been studied. 研究了不同锭型对喷CaSi粉处理的轴承钢中点状夹杂物分布的影响。
- The effect of basicity of top slags on oxygen content in steel and desulphurization rate during smelting bearing steel has been analyzed. 分析了轴承钢冶炼过程中顶渣碱度对钢中氧含量和脱硫率的影响。
- The content of oxygen carbon and distribution of inclusions have been investigated for bearing steel billet with macro µ analysis technique. 采用宏观与显微分析方法对轴承钢连铸坯进行了剖析,揭示了连铸坯的氧、碳含量及各类夹杂的分布规律。
- Suitable for cutting metai material,such as alloy structural steel,cemented steel,HSS,bearing Steel and spring steel etc. 适合切割合金结构钢、渗碳钢、高速钢、轴承钢、弹簧钢等硬质合金材料。
- By this method 6 different alloy steelsamples containing various anti- acid nitrides were determined, as well as thenitrogen content in ball bearing steel. 用该法分解试样,测定了含有抗酸性较强的氮化物的6个合金钢标样和滚珠钢的氮含量。
- The chemical symbol for copper is "Cu". 铜的化学符号是Cu。
- For hard and heat sensitive steel ,such as hard ened steel ,bearing steel ,HSS,high carbon steel .mainly for tools , measures,dies ,gears and thin wall parts. 适用于材质较硬、热敏感性教强钢材的磨削。如淬火钢、轴承刚、高速刚、高碳钢等。主要用于工具、刃具、量具、模具、齿轮以及薄壁零件的磨削加工。
- What color is copper sulphate solution? 硫酸铜溶液是什么颜色?