- copper mine waster water 铜矿山废水
- This mountain road leads to the copper mine. 这条山路通向那个铜矿。
- coal mine waster water 煤矿废水
- He would “cosmeticize”the opencast copper mine. 他要把这个露天铜矿表面装饰一番。
- The hydrogeologic conditions of Anqing copper mine are analyzed herein based on data of pit water gushing and observation of groundwater level. 本文利用矿坑突(涌)水资料及矿区地下水位观测资料对安庆铜矿水文地质条件进行分析和概化。
- The system has been practiced with expected results in a mine,which should be a guidance and reference for the synthetic disposal of waster water for other non-ferrous mine and large corporation... 并在某矿山进行了实际应用,取得了满意的效果,为其他金属矿山废水综合治理和其他行业大型企业或区域废水优化调控提供了指导和借鉴。
- The copper mine was apart from the maximum valency to fall 60%. 铜矿则距最高价下跌了60%25。
- Through the experiment of extracting Cu2+ from copper mine waste water by liquid emulsion membrane, the optimum membrane composition and the operation conditions were studied. 在实验的基础上,研究了乳化液膜处理铜矿山含Cu2+废水时的最佳膜相组成及其操作条件。
- We are specialists for designing electrical and automation system, utilities system and waster water treatment system. 我司尤其擅长工厂电气、自动化系统,公用工程,污水处理系统的设计及成套。
- The effect of electrolysis sediment of waster water in EMM,under the best productive condition,will reach 62. 在最佳工艺条件下;电解锰废水锰的电沉积效率达到62.;44%25。
- Reclamation of Jiangxi Yongping Copper Mine Waste Dump Site with Vegetations. 江西省永平铜矿排土场植被复垦
- These save a lot for customers, such as chemical medicine, water, energy and waster water capacity. 为客户节约化学药品补充、用水量、能耗及废水处理的设置容量。
- Weathering of Copper Mine Waste Rock and Characteristics of Acid Wastewater. 铜矿废石风化及形成酸性废水特征
- The application and principle of ultrasound in waster water treatment are described. 功率超声技术在有机污染物废水处理中应用是一种新型技术。
- Dexing Copper Mine is an especially large porphyry copper mine in the world. 德兴铜矿是世界级特大型斑岩铜矿。
- The paper suggested establishing groundwater and soil suveying system, therefore, to research the effect on soil and groundwater of exploiting waster water. 建议建立地下水和土壤监测系统,研究污水灌溉对土壤和地下水的影响。
- The rate of degradation of S~(2-) in waster water was 88.9% and was increased 22% comparing with pure nanometer TiO_2 film. 在实验的浓度范围内;反应服从零级反应动力学规律;对废水中S2-的处理降解率达到88.;90%25;和纯纳米TiO2膜相比降解率提高了22%25。
- The treatment,recovery and utilization of waster water in normal iron and steel plant are introduced,and those in Han Steel analyzed. 介绍了目前钢铁企业废水的处理方法及回用现状,对邯钢废水的处理方法及回用进行了分析。
- The Dexing copper mine in Jiangxi Province is a porphyry copper ore field of veinlet-dissemi-nated type. 江西德兴铜矿是一个细脉浸染型斑岩铜矿田。
- The application and principle of ultrasound in waster water treatment are described.The research topics and developmental trend are also pointed out. 本文介绍了功率超声技术在声化学法、电解氧化法和光化学法处理有机污染物废水中应用的作用原理和研究状况。