- The state of reconciliation or of cordial relations. 和睦,友好互相谅解,诚实衷心的状态
- A cordial greeting;cordial relations. 热情的问侯;友好关系
- We maintain cordial relations with our neighbors. 我们与邻里保持亲切友好的关系。
- We shall welcome a renewal of our cordial relations. 我们欢迎你我双方真诚关系的恢复。
- A reestablishing of cordial relations,as between two countries. 重建,恢复例如两国之间重新建立诚实、友好的关系
- A reestablishing of cordial relations, as between two countries. 重建,恢复例如两国之间重新建立诚实、友好的关系
- There is no difficulty at all in having cordial relations between the peoples. 人民之间关系融洽是毫无困难的。
- The Prime Minister desires to see cordial relations between this country and Germany. 首相先生希望见到我国和德国关系融洽。
- Britain gave up its sanctions against and tried hard to resume its former cordial relations with Italy after the latter annexed Ethiopia. 意大利吞并埃塞俄比亚后 ,英国终止了对意大利的制裁并力图恢复先前与意大利的友好关系。
- It enjoys cordial relations with two of the Strip's biggest employers, MGM Mirage and Steve Wynn, and has lobbied on the gambling industry's behalf. 该工会与拉斯维加斯旅馆两个重量级的雇主关系不错,他们是MGM迈拉吉和斯迪夫崴。工会已经代表赌博业做了有关方面的游说。
- Resolution one if crossbeam shift or break off, till foster cordial relations between states,should quit the race restoration. 决议一 如果横梁移位或折断,应停止比赛直至修好复位。
- The working visit of president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo next week in Beijing reaffirms this long and cordial relations between the two countries. 菲律宾和中国悠久文化交流可以追溯到几百年前。我很高兴今天能够参加这次研讨会,向同行们相互学习。
- His body dish sit on mat of a piece of rubber, do needlework skilfully, the movement is deft, hand me very quickly the shoe of foster cordial relations between countries. 他的身体盘坐在一张橡皮垫子上,飞针走线,动作麻利,很快就把修好的鞋子递给我。
- Through the medium of travel, they help to promote cordial relations amongst the peoples of the various nations. In fact, the importance of good roads, both nationally and unemotionally, cannot be overstressed. 通过彼此交往,各国人民之间的友好关系得以加深。事实上,无论对一个国家还是对全世界来说,优质道路的重要性无论怎样强调都不为过。
- The two-pronged action is aimed at reconciling BofA’s need to offset write-downs on its bloodied balance sheet while still preserving cordial relations with CCB by not selling too many shares. 这种两面出击的做法旨在调和美国银行两方面的需求:一方面抵消减记对其糟糕的资产负债状况的影响,但又不抛出太多股份,以保持与建行之间的友好关系。
- The two-pronged action is aimed at reconciling BofA's need to offset write-downs on its bloodied balance sheet while still preserving cordial relations with CCB by not selling too many shares. 这种两面出击的做法旨在调和美国银行两方面的需求:一方面抵消减记对其糟糕的资产负债状况的影响,但又不抛出太多股份,以保持与建行之间的友好关系。
- In the beginning I also asked Maurice Smith to serve as executive secretary, to add some maturity to the mix and to ensure cordial relations with the senior legislators, lobbyists, and power brokers. 刚开始我还请莫里斯.;史密斯担任行政秘书,为这个混合团队添入一些稳重和成熟的元素,确保和资深议员、游说者和政治掮客保持融洽的关系。
- Access to this pit, like many TAG (Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia) caves, is controlled by a private landowner, and caving groups work hard to maintain cordial relations with gatekeepers. 要探访这个和许多TAG洞穴(田纳西、阿拉巴骊和乔治亚州)的天坑,受到私有土地主的约束,探穴团队的工作难以与地主保持良好的关系。
- His friends gave him a cordial welcome. 他的朋友对他表示热诚的欢迎。
- a cordial greeting; cordial relations. 热情的问侯;友好关系。