- core sharing programme 磁心划分控制程序
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。
- He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke. 他朝我龇牙一笑,好像彼此会心领略一个笑话。
- He was a military man to the core. 他是个地地道道的军人。
- Let's get to the core of the argument. 咱们进入实质性的辩论吧。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我们的要求的核心是言论自由。
- Every one must have his share of the ups and downs. 每个人都有得意时和失意时。
- I have very happy news to share with you. 我有很高兴的消息要告诉你。
- I share with two others in hire a car for the day. 我跟另外两位分摊那天租车的费用。
- The earth has a core and a mantle around it. 地球的中心是地核,地核的周围是地幔。
- Oil share show modest gain over the week's trading. 石油股票价在上星期的交易中略有上升。
- My share was more than all the others put together. 我的股份比所有其他人的合在一起还要多。
- He ate the plum, and threw the core away. 他吃掉了李子,并扔掉了果核。
- He is willing to share in the work. 他愿意分担这工作。
- Let's get to the core of the matter. 让我们看看事情的核心。
- After a brief rally share fall back to a new low. 股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。
- Each student studies four core subjects. 每个学生学习四门基础课。
- He is really rotten to the core. 他真是坏透了。