- The Delict of Violating Corporate Capital System 公司资本犯罪的控制系统
- Tentative Discussion on Corporate Capital System 我国公司资本制度论略
- Confusion over the Corporate Capital System in China and the Way out of It 论我国公司资本制度的困惑与出路
- corporate capital systems 公司资本制度
- Corporate Capital system 公司资本制度
- the corporate capital system 公司资本制度
- Corporate Capital Structure is one of the most profound theories of finance. 摘要资本结构理论是金融领域中最深奥难解的理论之一。
- However, some provision in the Company Law of China, such as the absoluteness of stockholders' limited responsibility, capital system of corporate, deficiency of control structure etc. 但由于我国公司法中股东有限责任的绝对化、公司资本制度和法人治理结构的缺陷,加之高额的诉讼成本、商业信息的阻塞等原因,导致我国有限责任公司的信用缺失非常严重。
- corporation capital system 公司资本制
- Kale,J.R.,Noe,T.H.and Ramirez,G.G.(1991),The Effect of Business Risk on Corporate Capital Structure:Theory and Evidence,Journal of Finance 46,1693-68. 郭鹏飞和孙培源(2003)的检验结果认为同一行业门类内不同行业大类的公司间资本结构无显著差异.
- As the external condition of financing decision, macroeconomic factors such as tax rate, interest rate and inflation rate affect the optimization of corporate capital structure. 摘要作为融资决策的外部条件,税率、利率和通货膨胀率等宏观经济要素影响着企业资本结构优化。
- There are three capital systems in the world: legal capital system , accredit capital system, compromise capital system. 世界各国资本金制度大致有三种:法定资本金制度、授权资本金制度与折衷资本金制度。
- Using the logarithmic partial adjustment model,this paper conducted an empirical study on the dynamic adjustment of corporate capital structure based on the industry mean. 使用对数部分调整模型,对中国上市公司资本结构基于行业均值的动态调整现象进行了实证研究。
- Our Ministry will initiate the project promotion and conduct the business talks, and will give impetus to the construction of venture capital system. 科技部将组织对华投资项目发布和洽谈活动;推进风险投资体系的建设。
- The process of capital raising is the actualization process of corporate capital ,which is consisted of share issues , investor subscription and subscriber making contribution. 公司资本的形成过程,是经由股份发行、投资人认购、认股人缴纳出资环节,而达致的一个公司资本现实化过程。
- How can our capital system be modified on the principle of high efficiency, fairness, and softy? 我国公司资本制度又应该怎样根据情势变更,以达到坚持效率优先,兼顾公平、安全的公司法目的呢?
- At that time,some Chinese newspapers were the first to point out that the international financial capital system was also root of the problem. 当时就有中文报章率先指出国际金融资本体系也是问题根本所在。
- Our Ministry will initiate the project promotion and conduct the business talks,and will give impetus to the construction of venture capital system. 科技部将组织对华投资项目发布和洽谈活动;推进风险投资体系的建设。
- At that time, some Chinese newspapers were the first to point out that the international financial capital system was also root of the problem. 当时就有中文报章率先指出国际金融资本体系也是问题根本所在。
- Chapter Two, "To query the theoretic foundation of our legal capital system ", generalizes the idea of "capital credit" from our capital system, then query its rationality. 第二章“我国法定资本制的理论基础及其质疑”是在对我国现行公司资本制度进行梳理的基础上挖掘出深藏其中的“资本信用”观念,并对这一观念的合理性提出质疑。