- Aim Based on a research about the strategy of CIS (corporate identity system), to give a series of purposeful analyses and suggestions. 目的为当前我国企业实施企业形象战略(CIS)提供有针对性的决策咨询和建议。
- Corporate Culture is the spirit of a company, the weapon to be competitive in the market, and the hinge of the Corporate Identity System (CIS). 企业精神是企业的灵魂,是企业市场制胜的法宝,是企业形象策划的关键。
- corporate identity system theory CIS理论
- Establishment and Renewal of Corporate Identity System 企业识别系统的建立与更新
- Guangzhou corporate identity system design 广州企业识别系统设计
- CI Product Design and Corporate Identity System 产品设计与企业
- Some Problem on Presenting the Corporate Identity System 我国企业实施企业形象战略的有关问题
- I want to design the corporate identity. 我想设计企业形象。
- Are there any corporate identity guidelines? 有没有法人身分指引?
- CIS(Corporate Identity System) CIS
- corporate identity system 同CI
- VI design, corporate identity design is an important part. VI设计,是企业形象设计的重要组成部分。
- Over the years, we emphasize and protect our corporate identity and branding system to reinforce our competitive edge in the industry. 我们一向重视和保护我们的企业品牌制度,藉?我们专业的品牌形象,进一步提升富城在市场上的竞争优势。
- Design in Identity System of Modern Corporations and Organizations II. 现代企业与机构形象设计2。
- Corporation identity design for jolly travel group. 嘉士商旅集团形象设计。
- Corporation identity design for shenzhen library. 深圳市图书馆标志设计开发。
- It mainly supplies the programming of corporate VIS identity system, product style design, commerical photography, graphic design, corporate catalog and poster, packaging design, exhibition layout, film output and presswork. 主要服务范围:企业vis识别系统规划、产品外观造型设计、产品摄影设计、平面广告创意设计、企业宣传画册设计、产品包装设计、报刊杂志展览展示规划、代理菲林输出打稿及印刷制作。
- CIS (corporate identity system) 企业识别系统
- Abstract VI(Visual Identity System) shows plenty of informations in a more recapitulative and compactly way. 摘 要 VI以最直观的形式将企业的经意理念与相关信息向外传递,从而使消费者识别并记忆;
- Corporation identity design for news four of fujian TV station. 福建电视台4套新闻频道形象系统开发。