- The Research on Corporate Strategic Management Based on BSC 基于BSC的公司战略管理研究
- Tang Yongjun Professor PhD Main research interest: corporate strategic management and management models, government behavioral economics 企业战略管理及企业管理模式、政府行为经济学
- View on the edge of contingency in corporation strategic management 论企业战略管理的权变边缘
- corporate strategic management 企业战略管理
- Two Threads of Forming the Theory of Corporation Strategic Management 企业战略管理理论形成的两条线
- Strategic management and business policy II. 战略管理与企业政策2。
- Essentials of strategic management II. 战略管理精要2。
- Front Line Strategic Management Consulting, Inc. 据前沿战略管理咨询公司。
- Ph.D., Professor, Vice Dean of SEM. Main research interests: Strategic Management, Corporate finance, Risk Management, Leadership. 博士、教授、经济与管理学院副院长。主要研究方向:战略管理、公司理财、风险管理、领导能力与领导艺术。
- The guru of strategic management finally began to talk about CSR. 管理大师终于也来点评企业社会责任了!
- Urban Group emphasizes on Community Care as one of its corporate strategic goals. 富城集团一向贯彻关心社群的企业目标,以实际行动承担企业公民责任。
- Strategic management cases /Allen Morrison, Paul W.Beamish. = 战略管理学 / 莫礼训; 包铭心 编.
- Technological alliance is one of the most common alliance forms in corporate strategic alliances (CSAs) in the modern time. 技术联盟是企业战略联盟中一种最常见的联盟形式。
- We will be guided by the strategic intents in our Corporate Strategic Plan and will measure progress with the Vision Metrics. 我们将在公司战略计划中以战略目标为引导,并用愿景测量来衡量我们的进步。
- To align our internal staff with the business direction of Urban Group, we have annually identified a clear corporate strategic focus for the 21st Century. 为了让每一位富城的员工心目中有著与集团一致的发展方向,我们自21世纪开始,每年均订立清晰的企业策略目标。
- Strategic management decision-support tools to optimize business performance. 策略管理决策支持工具可优化业务绩效。
- Laura and he enrolled in the training course "strategic Management". 劳拉和他报名参加了"战略管理"培训课程。
- And the ship can not be separated from the sea buoy course, companies also can not be separated from the development of strategic positioning and corporate strategic planning. 大海航船离不开航标和航向,企业发展同样也离不开企业战略定位和战略规划。
- Enterprise strategic management is the core of enterprise management. 企业战略管理是企业管理的核心。
- Can the constructivism reshape the foundation of strategic management research? 建构主义是否可以重构战略管理研究的基础?