- The user is physically guided into taking the correct action. 使用者被指导采用正确的动作。
- Ql: Will the correct action be made sufficiently evident to the user? 各项目功能显而易见,都是使用者经常使用到的。
- Is corrective action documented and followed-up? 纠正措施有记录并有跟进吗?
- You do not perform corrective action at this time. 你这一次没执行校正操作。
- The corrective action is to wash the deodorizer. 改进方法是清洗脱臭塔。
- The correct action is to use a different idiom from simple selection, one that is visually distinct. But what is it? 正确做法是采用不同于简单选择的习惯用法,视觉上截然不同,但它究竟是怎样的呢?
- Correct Action: Check to determine if the tank outlet is closed, but the tank inlet is open. Correct valving error. '检查并确保罐出口阀关闭而进口阀打开'-------那液位不越来越高了?!
- The correct action is to use a different idiom from simple selection, one that is visually distinct . But what is it? 正确做法是采用不同于简单选择的习惯用法,视觉上截然不同,但它究竟是怎样的呢?
- A child must learn to discriminate between the possbly justifiable acton and the absolutely correct action . 一个孩子必须学会可能正确和绝对正确。
- If you see errors or incorrect data anywhere in the table, take correct action as described in the following table, and then try linking again. 如果在表中任何地方发现错误或不正确的数据,则按下表中的说明采取纠正措施,然后重试链接操作。
- Good follow up activity on the correction action effectiveness. (2) + 有效地跟进改善行动的有效性.
- A correction can be made in conjunction with a corrective action. 纠正可连同纠正措施一起实施。
- We need to take corrective action to halt this country's decline. 我们得采取纠偏行动来阻止这个国家的衰落。
- Complete the NCN procedure and follow up the correction action. 完成异常通知程序并更踪改善措施。
- Help make up corrective action to prevent it happen again. 帮助制定整改计划防止再次发生。
- Does the Supplier notify customer of the corrective action taken? 供应商是否将采取的纠正措施告知顾客
- Reviews, verifies, and approves the corrective action plan. 审核、查证和批准控制策略行动计划。
- Reasons for such corrective action should be documented. 这些校正行动的理由应文件化。
- His intuition is invariably correct. 他的直觉常常是正确的。
- Rationale for such corrective actions must be documented. 并且这种新的改正措施需要被证明。