- A correct line must be ensured through correct policy and tactics. 正确的路线一定要用正确的政策和策略来保证。
- Guided by the Party's correct line,we have achieved tremendous successes. 在党的正确路线指引下,我们取得了巨大的成就。
- The correct line should be to rely on poor peasants and farm laborers and firmly unite with middle peasants, so as to abolish the feudal system. 正确的路线应该是依靠贫雇农,巩固地联合中农,消灭封建制度。
- There are separate ticketing booths for individual and group. Please use the correct line. 团体与个人票售票口不同,请按需求排对窗口。
- We have been following correct lines,principles and policies. 我们执行的路线、方针、政策是正确的。
- The correct line should be to rely on poor peasants and farm laborers and firmly unite with middle peasants,so as to abolish the feudal system. 正确的路线应该是依靠贫雇农,巩固地联合中农,消灭封建制度。
- We have been following correct lines, principles and policies. 我们执行的路线、方针、政策是正确的。
- At a meeting of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee,I said that,on the whole,we had kept to the correct line in the past few years. 我在中央书记处开会的时候讲过,这几年,总的来说不是路线错误。
- There are various non-proletarian ideas in the Communist Party organization in the Fourth Red Army which greatly hinder the application of the Party's correct line. 红军第四军的共产党内存在着各种非无产阶级的思想,这对于执行党的正确路线,妨碍极大。
- The transformation of this unevenness into a general evenness will require a very long time,very great efforts,and the Party's application of a correct line. 要把不平衡的状态变到大体上平衡的状态,还要经过很长的时间,还要花费很大的气力,还要依靠党的策略路线的正确。
- The Party's line is the correct line for development; it opposes outmoded and conservative notions on the one hand and grandiose, empty and unrealistic plans on the other. 党的路线是正确的发展路线,一方面要反对陈旧的保守的观点,另一方面又要反对空洞的不切实际的大计划。
- We say, in Nepal the Maoists are the true communists and the CPN (Maoist) are bringing the correct line to the Magars on self-determination and autonomy. 我们认为,在尼泊尔,毛泽东主义者才是真正的共产主义者,尼共(毛)为玛嘉人提供了民族自决与自治的正确路线。
- When the exponents of the "Left" line held sway,they not only totally rejected Comrade Mao Zedong's correct line but removed him from leading posts in the Party and army until the Long March. “左”倾路线统治时期,不仅完全拒绝毛泽东同志的正确路线,而且把毛泽东同志调离党和军队的领导岗位,一直到长征。
- That is the only way to implement the correct line regarding cadres,which requires that they be appointed on the basis of merit,and to unite with comrades who are good but have made mistakes. 只有这样,才能贯彻任人唯贤的干部路线,团结犯错误的好同志。
- Without combating and thoroughly overcoming these harmful tendencies which damage the revolution and the revolutionary war,it would be impossible to establish a correct line and win victory in this war. 不同这些危害革命和革命战争的有害的倾向作斗争,并且彻底地克服它们,正确路线的建设和革命战争的胜利,是不可能的。
- Yet the failure of the Party's leading bodies to wage a concerted and determined struggle against these incorrect ideas and to educate the members in the Party's correct line is also an important cause of their existence and growth. 但是,党的领导机关对于这些不正确的思想缺乏一致的坚决的斗争,缺乏对党员作正确路线的教育,也是使这些不正确思想存在和发展的重要原因。
- The correct line information can be determined with the old PDB line information and one delta for all lines in the function. 正确的行信息可使用旧的PDB行信息以及该函数中所有行的一个增量来确定。
- His intuition is invariably correct. 他的直觉常常是正确的。
- That is the only way to implement the correct line regarding cadres, which requires that they be appointed on the basis of merit, and to unite with comrades who are good but have made mistakes. 只有这样,才能贯彻任人唯贤的干部路线,团结犯错误的好同志。
- When the exponents of the "Left" line held sway, they not only totally rejected Comrade Mao Zedong's correct line but removed him from leading posts in the Party and army until the Long March. “左”倾路线统治时期,不仅完全拒绝毛泽东同志的正确路线,而且把毛泽东同志调离党和军队的领导岗位,一直到长征。