- Set the TAPE/OSC switch to the correct position. 将tape/OSC开关设定于正确的位置
- All securings of No.1 lifeboat in correct position. 一号艇全部坚固在正确位置上.
- Make sure pump discharge TRV in correct position. 确认泵出口管线TRV流程已通。
- Through control construction of the complete set of droppers some pivotal link, diminish error, can attain correct positioning. 通过控制吊弦施工的几个关键环节来减小误差,做到整体吊弦安装一次到位。
- Register marks: Marks, often a cross in a circle, in the same relatinve positio on films or plates to enable correct positioning to be achieved. 套准(定位)记号:通常是一个十字加圆圈的标志,放在有关菲林或印版的相对位置上,方便套准。
- The Control Theory provides a powerful theoretical support for a correct positioning of the role of government and rectifying misdoing. 政府角色的错位,给政府自身和高校发展都带来不利影响,转变政府角色已成为许多国家高教管理改革的重要内容。
- Please replace the cards in their correct positions in the files. 请将卡片正确插回卡片箱内原处。
- The slip gear of No.。二lifeboat is not in the correct position. 号救生艇滑脱装置不在正确位置。
- Facilitate putting the boot on and finding the correct positioning of the tongue. Also practical for attaching the shoe to your rucksack, harness etc. for transport. 让你更容易的套上鞋子且容易找到鞋舌正确的位置,另外也方便您外挂在背包或是鞍具上。
- Correctly position spare part and record. 正确放置备件并作记录。
- Correctly position for resuscitative efforts. 复苏时正确体位
- The lane line is there to help maintain your arms in the correct position. 借助泳道线有助于使您的臂部动作保持正确的位置。
- Register marks: Marks, often a cross in a circle, in the same relative position on films or plates to enable correct positioning to be achieved. 套准(定位)记号:通常是一个十字加圆圈的标志,放在有关菲林或印版的相对位置上,方便套准。
- Background: Next to graft fixation, correct positioning of the tibial and femoral tunnel is a deciding factor for the clinical result of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery. 背景:在对移植物固定之前,对胫骨和股骨隧道的正确定位是前交叉韧带重建术能否取得良好临床效果的一个决定因素。
- This step illustrates the importance of z-order in correctly positioning ToolStripPanel controls. 此步骤说明Z顺序对于正确放置ToolStripPanel控件的重要性。
- The sling isn't correctly positioned on the Cyclops' arm! 投石没有被正确放置在弹射臂上!
- One of the warships was out of station,ie not in its correct position relative to other ships. 有一艘军舰未在其编队位置。
- He's been off work with a slipped disc(= one that has moved from its correct position, causing pain). 他因椎间盘突出一直未上班。
- An orthopedic appliance used to support, align, or hold a bodily part in the correct position. 矫形器支持、校直或托住身体部位以使其保持正确位置的矫形器
- His intuition is invariably correct. 他的直觉常常是正确的。