- Disjoint paths weight accumulating algorithm is proved to be effective in correlation computing by analyzing the results of the experiments. 分析实验结果发现,不相交路径权值累积算法能有效计算网络成员关联度。
- Be you familiar with their correlation? 你了解他们的相互关系吗?
- Addition and division are forms of computation. 加法和除法都是计算方法。
- It will cost 5000 at the lowest computation. 估计最少也值5000英镑。
- The paper analyzes and discusses some problems of inter sideline widening of the transition curve road,and deduces correlative computer formulas. 本文对缓和曲线道路加宽内边线进行了分析和论述,并推导出了相关计算公式。
- A quick computation revealed that we would not make a profit. 粗略计算后可以看出我们无利可图。
- correlation computation 相关运算
- Make and defends the correlation project papers. 相关工程文件的制作与维护.
- The hair of animals shows the same correlation. 动物毛发也有同样的相互关系。
- We are not saying the correlation is absolute. 我们不是说此相关性是绝对的。
- Some computers can perform over a billion computation a second. 有些计算机一秒钟能完成超过十亿次运算。
- A correlation between drug abuse and crime. 吸毒和犯罪之间的相互关联
- Related by a correlation, especially having corresponding characteristics. 相应特点相互联系的,尤指具有相应特点的
- Other correlation questions may relate with us. 其他相关问题可以与我们联系。
- He shall have do the computation more carefully. 他本该细心一点做这些算题的。
- Correlation names are described in FROM clause. 在FROM子句中介绍了相关名。
- It is not entirely suited to automatic computation. 它不完全适合自动化计算。
- A BPEL process can have correlation sets. BPEL流程可以具有相关性设置。
- Their output of data does not slow computation. 它的数据输出不会延缓计算。
- A correlation between PFP and GrB was found. PFP与GrB的表达具有相关性。