- Zn oxidizes very quickly and needs extreme caution when used due to its electrolytic corrosion potential. 锌的氧化速度极快,可能发生电解腐蚀,因此在使用时应格外小心。
- Gecor 8 and CANIN are significant when measuring the corrosion potential, but the variance is acceptable. 保护层厚度对腐蚀电流亦无显著差异,其馀变数则对腐蚀流密度皆有影响。
- Combination of SKP and SAM can be used to detect the changes of corrosion potential and micro-regions in the interface of coated metals. 结合SKP和SAM两种技术能够更深入认识涂层金属发生腐蚀过程中腐蚀电位及腐蚀区域的发展变化。
- QAl 10 4 4 has the most positive corrosion potential among the bronze alloys which will result in a greater galvanic corrosion to anode QAl 9 2 when they coupled. 其中QAl 1 0 4 4的腐蚀电位最为偏正 ,但它与QAl9 2配副会对QAl 9 2产生较大的阳极电偶腐蚀 ;
- The natural corrosion potential,corrosion rate and steady-state polarization curves of Q235B carbon steel,TA2 titanium and navel brass in seawater were measured. 采用动电位极化技术及失重法研究Q235B碳钢/TA2钛和Q235B碳钢/TA2钛/海军黄铜在海水中的电偶腐蚀规律。
- The results show that the corrosion potential of reinforcement was mainly determined by the anion reaction and the corrosion rate was controlled by the cathode reaction. 实验结果显示钢筋腐蚀反应的自然腐蚀电位主要为阳极反应决定,而腐蚀反应速度为阴极反应控制。
- Traces of platinum microparticles dispersed in polyaniline film could result in a stable corrosion potential of stainless steel within the passive range. 分散在聚苯胺膜中的极少量铂微粒能使不锈钢板的腐蚀电位稳定在钝化区域。
- The polyaniline coating may change the corrosion potential of steel from 150 mV to positive direction,and changed the corrosion current density from 10 -7 A/cm2 to 10 -8 A/cm2.The antiseptic ability of steel has improved by coating with PAn. 聚苯胺涂层能使钢铁自然腐蚀电位正移 15 0 m V,钢铁腐蚀电流密度由 10 - 7A/ cm2变到 10 - 8A/ cm2 ,提高了钢铁的防腐蚀性能。
- The results have shown that the possibility of embrittlement of high strength steel can be predicted by corrosion potential and current in potentiodynamic polarization measurement. 结果表明,根据动电位极化测试的腐蚀电位和腐蚀电流可以预测高强度钢发生腐蚀氢脆的倾向性。
- This paper puts forward oneself view for producing mechanism of differential aeration corrosion and talk about influence of metal corrosion potential due to the change of oxygen concentration. 本文就差异充气腐蚀产生机理提出自己的看法,并且谈到氧气浓度变化对金属腐蚀电位的影响。
- Control of Corrosion Potential in Construction 施工过程中腐蚀隐患的控制
- Around the corrosive potential, adsorption action was so strong that the passivation occurred on the electrode surface. 在腐蚀电位附近,吸附能力达到最大,并产生钝化作用。
- The fracture modes were ductile dimpled tearing fracture for the aluminum brass at the corrosion potential while intergranular for the aluminum bronze at various anodic potentials. 另一方面,铝青铜在过钝态电位以上的破裂形式则是沿晶破裂。
- Clean off any corrosion before applying the paint. 先除去所有的锈迹再上油漆。
- AC current is liable to have corrosive potential drift to active area, changes the form of metal polarization curve and thus increases the density of passive current. 交流电可引起腐蚀电位向活化区漂移、改变金属极化曲线的形状且增大钝态电流密度。
- Education develops potential abilities. 教育能开发人的潜能。
- Keywords corrosion;Tafel curve;corrosion potential;corrosion rate; 腐蚀;塔菲尔曲线;腐蚀电位;腐蚀速率;
- A salesperson courting a potential customer. 一位正在说服有可能与之成交的顾客的推销员
- He hasn't realized his full potential yet. 他还没有意识到他的全部潜能。