- Cortical cells begin to divide. 皮层细胞开始分裂。
- cortical cells begin to divide 皮层细胞开始分裂。
- The cells began to divide rapidly. 细胞迅速分裂。
- Week2 The cluster of cells has become an embryo, meaning to "team within." Already cells begin to divide into three sections. 第2周成串的细胞变成了胚胎,意味着“里面有一个组”。细胞已经开始分成三部分:大脑、脊髓、神经和皮肤;消化系统、脏肝、胰腺、心脏、肌肉和骨骼。
- By ordering genes to turn on or off, cells begin to specialize. 通过开关基因,细胞开始分工。
- However, as the cells continue to divide and grow into an embryo, they begin to specialize, or differentiate, into the many parts that make up a human being. 然而当细胞继续分裂而长成一个胚胎时,它们便开始特化,或称分化,并最终成为构成人体的各个部分。
- In tetrad stage, the structures of tapetal cells begin to dissociate. 四分体时期,绒毡层细胞内部结构开始解体。
- Far from uniting Republicans, the war is beginning to divide them. 战争开始分化共和党人,远没有起到凝聚作用。
- As the toxic waste builds up, the cell begins to die. 当有毒的废物积累之时,细胞开始死亡。
- If the trauma included the combustion of water, then the associated cells begin to drown. 如果创伤包含了水元素的焚化,那么相关的细胞就开始淹死。
- However in incarnating into a human form, they begin to divide and separate the genetic knowledge contained therein and cause fall after fall in consciousness. 这正是一个大蛇所设定来做的!但是,投生人体后,他们便开始分离基因知识并导致了意识的一再下降。
- If the trauma included the combustion of fire from incomplete ascensions, then the associated cells begin to combust or burn up. 如果创伤包含了来自不完全提升所带来的火元素的焚化,那么相关的细胞就开始自我焚化或烧掉。
- Now I begin to see light on their good intentions. 现在我对他们的良好动机开始有所领会了。
- Approximately four days after fertilization and after several cycles of cell division, these totipotent cells begin to specialize. 在受精后并经历了四天的细胞分裂周期后,这些细胞开始具有特殊性。
- To divide a computer program into segments. 把一个计算机程序分成若干段。
- He agreed to divide the prize between Tom and Ann. 他同意把这笔奖金分给汤姆和安两个人。
- I find his book begin to pall on me after a while. 我发觉他的书读过一阵子就开始对我失去吸引力。
- The pyriform lobe cortex pyramidal cells develop very early too and it appears in the inner side, the granular cells begin to develop from the eighteenth week. 梨状叶皮质锥体细胞发育的较早,最先出现在深层,颗粒层第18周出现。
- It is impossible to divide what force we have. 我们现有的力量不能分散。
- We begin to plumb the mysteries of the universe. 我们开始探索宇宙的奥秘。