- Convoluting portion of cortical lobules of kidney 肾皮质小叶卷曲部
- cortical lobules of kidney 肾皮质小叶
- Joe has also heard of kidney stones. 乔也听人提到过肾结石。
- What are the symptoms of kidney disease? 肾脏疾病的症状是什么?
- Do you have a family history of kidney stones? 是有肾脏结石的血统吗?
- He has some kind of kidney problem. 他患有某种肾脏病。
- Of kidney maintain have those with dietary help? 肾的保养与饮食的帮助有那些?
- Molecular Analysis of Space Mutant Line of Kidney Bean. 菜豆空间突变品系的分子生物学分析。
- The young surgeon contemplated the difficult operation of kidney transplant. 年青的外科医生为肾移植这一棘手的手术苦思冥想。
- Familialbilateral cystic dysplasia of kidneys. 为肾发育异常的弥漫性囊肿型。
- She got a very dangerous disease of kidneys. 她得了一种很危险的肾病。
- Verrucous carcinoma is composed of lobules of mature squamous epithelium with minimal atypia, but they are ulcerating or fungating. 疣状癌由小叶状的具有轻度异型性的成熟鳞状上皮组成,并且呈溃疡或真菌样生长。
- Chirurgeons got a huge breakthrough in replanting of kidney. 外科医生们在肾移植方面取得了重大突破。
- This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Kidney Shot. 不再减少肾击的冷却时间。
- Check of patient of kidney spherule nephritis () , why? 肾小球肾炎患者验(),为什么?
- Lobules of neoplasitic cells have an intervening stroma with characteristic lymphoid infiltrates. 肿瘤的细胞团间的间质以淋巴浸润为特征。
- The black streaks seen between lobules of lung beneath the pleural surface are due to anthracotic pigment. 图示胸膜下肺小叶间可见黑色条纹(碳末沉着)。
- We had to rush him to the hospital because of kidney failure. 由于他有肾衰竭,我们必须火速送他去医院。
- Does the food of liver of kidney stone, second have inimical not? 肾结石、乙肝的饮食有抵触没?
- He sopped other dies of bread in the gravy and ate piece after piece of kidney. 他把剩下的面包块儿都浸在浓汁里,并且一片接一片地吃着腰子。