- I can't make this equation come out. 我不会解这个方程式。
- cosine equation 余弦公式
- The cos() function returns the cosine of a number. 函数的作用是:返回一个数值的余弦值。
- What does x represent in this equation? 这个方程式中的x代表什么?
- Cos() returns the cosine of the arg parameter. cos()返回参数arg的余弦值。
- What is the function of a cosine phase shifter? 与弦移相器有什么用处?
- The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is number. 反余弦值是指余弦值为number的角度。
- Returns a Double specifying the cosine of an angle. 返回双精度型,该值指定角度的余弦。
- The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous. 把财富与幸福等同起来是很危险的
- Must compensate for the cosine effect. 必须补偿余弦定律产生的错误。
- Hey,that she is going to see my cosin. 一切只剩下我自己一个人。。。
- An equation or inequality relating the variables in an optimization problem. 在优化问题中,一种表示若干变量相互关系的方程(式)或不等式。
- Calculates the cosine of an angle. 计算角度的余弦值。
- What about sine and cosine function? 了解正弦和馀弦函数?
- Show me how to solve this equation. 告诉我,这个方程式怎么解。
- The oil versus nuclear equation is largely moot. 石油和核能之间的关系还很有争议。
- One side of an equation must balance the other. 方程式的一边必须和另一边相等。
- At first the equation refused to work out. 起初这个议程式一直解不出。
- The equation is beyond me, and it won't come out. 这个方程式太难,我怎么也解不出来。
- In the Y-direction a similar equation applies. 在Y方向有类似的公式。