- This paper discusses the fuel cycle process of PWR, HTGR and LMFBR, and the sensitivity analysis model of, the fuel cycle cost. 本文详细地分析了压水堆、高温气冷堆、快堆三种堆型核电厂的燃料循环过程,建立了燃料循环费用的计算模型和灵敏度分析模型。
- Seismic sensitivity analysis of stand cylindrical oil tank. 立式圆柱形储油罐地震敏度分析。
- Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Switched System Based on Subsystem. 线性切换系统基于子系统的灵敏度分析。
- Model Testing and Sensitivity Analysis, including error analysis, etc. 模型的测试与灵敏度分析,包括错误分析等。
- The third part is to use the Taguchi and sensitivity analysis software to optimize the size of the designed model.It is expected to design a formative chair to fit the safety and the economic cost. 第三部份为利用田口最佳化设计及灵敏度分析软体,来求得造型椅模型的最佳化的设计尺寸,并使得设计出的造型椅能符合使用上的安全及最经济的用料成本。
- Sensitivity analysis suggests that the changes in fixed cost and demand level have more impacts than the unit cost difference between inbound and outbound transportation of the DCs. 敏感度分析发现固定成本和需求量的变动,对DC的设置数目影响较明显,陆运进出DC成本差价变动的影响则相当小。
- cost sensitive analysis 费用敏感分析
- The risk analysis methods include BEP analysis,sensitivity analysis and probability analysis. 风险分析的方法主要有盈亏平衡分析、敏感性分析和概率分析三种。
- Conclusion The computational results indicates that sensitivity analysis method is feasible. 结论计算结果表明灵敏度分析法是可行的。
- And also the sensitivity analysis was done to the several key factors influencing the fatigue life of the vane. 并对影响其疲劳寿命的几种关键因素进行了敏度分析。
- Sensitivity analysis is made to injected water volume adjustment and reserves potential. 并对注水量的修正和储量潜力进行了敏感性分析。
- The correspodent design sensitivity analysis is studied, and the formulation with adjoint variable method is developed. 在该模型下进行了结构形状设计灵敏度分析,导出了伴随变量法计算公式。
- At last, gave the simulative result of sensitivity analysis of this optical fiber AE sensor via Matlab software. 最后给出由Matlab得到此类光纤声发射传感器灵敏度分析的模拟结果。
- Sensitivity Analysis is then applied to adjust the evaluative criteria for selecting a spokesman more effectively. 最后再以敏感度分析来测试,当评估准则的权重改变时,对广告代言人优先选择顺序的影响。
- Many studies inadequately conducted data analysis, particular in sensitivity analysis and discounting. 部分研究的数据分析存在问题,特别是敏感性分析和贴现两个方面。
- The strapdown electric compass is widely used for heading and attitude determination especially in cost sensitive applications. 捷联式电子罗盘以其低成本、固态化、小型化、数字化等特点正在获得越来越广泛的应用。
- The DMUs is sorted from a new perspective and the sensitivity analysis proves its reliability. 从一个新的角度实现了对企业核心能力的优劣排序,并用灵敏度分析的方法验证了它的可靠性。
- Eclipse scans 16 and 35 mm microfilm for multiple applications including, large scale projects that are time critical, cost sensitive and require superior image quality. Eclipse可扫描16和35毫米缩微胶片,适用于多种应用包括作业时间短、成本控制严格并需要高影像质量的大型项目。
- The sensitivity analysis to the structure design of the basement was carried out. 在此基础上对支座进行了结构设计的灵敏度分析。
- This device series is designed for direct operation from a rectified 240 VAC line source and requires minimal external components for a complete cost sensitive converter solution. 这个设备系列为从被矫正的240 VAC线光源的直接操作设计并且为一种完全费用敏感交换器解答要求最小的外在组分。