- cotton processing machinery 棉花加工机
- Engish-Chinese Chemical Processing Machinery Dictionary II. 英汉化工机械词典2。
- Scope: Forging processing machinery. Forging processing machinery. 经营范围:机械锻件加工。
- In the case of cotton processing, opening is necessary preliminary to cleaning. 在纺棉的情况下,开棉是除杂前必须的。
- Scope: Valet sporadic cotton processing. Valet sporadic cotton processing. 经营范围:代客零星加工棉絮。
- Engaged in food processing machinery and equipment manufacturing, testing. 从事粮食加工机械设备的制造,试验。
- Food processing machinery, such as meat mincer,food mixer,dough mixer,oven ect. 销售产品:食品机械:碎肉机,搅拌机,和面机,烘炉,发酵箱.....
- Xinjiang Yakun Commercial Trade Co., Ltd. V. Xinjiang Jinghe Kangrui Cotton Processing Co., Ltd. 新疆亚坤商贸有限公司与新疆精河县康瑞棉花加工有限公司买卖合同纠纷案。
- For a more detailed explanation of cotton processing, refer to the "American Cotton Handbook". 如果更详细了解棉织品的生产过程,读者可参阅《美国棉花手册》。
- We supply various types of processing machinery such as :tongue spatula machine, tongue depr... 发布者:吴新所在地:浙江金华市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:十年以上
- We supply various types of processing machinery such as : Kebab stick machine, barbecue skew... 发布者:吴新所在地:浙江金华市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:十年以上
- Buy: Additives &Chemicals, Processing Machinery, Gums &Stabilizers, Sweeteners, Ingredients for food industry. 采购:食品添加剂,加工机械,稳定剂,甜味剂。食品配料。
- THK origin for the Japanese research and development of processing machinery spare parts. THK产品所属日本研发加工的机械零配件。
- The utility model relates to processing machinery,which used for the fried patato food. 本实用新型是涉及一种用于油炸土豆食品的加工机械。
- We supply various types of processing machinery such as: bamboo placemat machine,bamboo matt... 发布者:吴新所在地:浙江金华市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:十年以上
- The public utility model, a school bus ping machines, processing machinery involved in bus technology. 本实用新型公开了一种母线校平机,涉及母线加工机械技术领域。
- There is a branch factory under the company engaging in cotton or polyester cotton processing with the imported hi-temperature and cold jigger, stenter and mercerizing machine. 下设二个印染分厂,其中二分厂是以原大华纺织漂染公司为基础建立起来的。
- The company is wiring the end of processing machinery, die blade developed specialized factory. 本公司是电线末端加工机器,模具刀片研制开发的专业厂家。
- Cashmere industry has been formed,羊剪绒, cotton processing the three leading industries and blankets, food processing, machining three special industries. 工业已经形成了羊绒、羊剪绒、棉花加工三大主导产业和毛毡、食品加工、机械加工三大特色产业。
- Major wood products processing machinery for fish feed Zharan clothing aluminum products such as the import and export. 主要业务为机械加工木制品鱼饲料服装铝产品扎染等产品的进出口。