- DENIM: 100% cotton Yarn Dye, the most varied touch, special dye, larger width and new finishing like flat NHX system, coating, finetouch, to provide a good foundation for washing process. 牛仔:100%25色织全棉,各种不同手感,特殊纱染,布幅较宽及特别平坦洁净完工处理,为提供水洗良好基础,除此还有上胶、易安超新的布面科技。
- Fabric sourcing and fabric development are the main service provided by us are required by our customer,main products are cotton woven,twill,canvas,dobby,yarn dyed,denim,streth and linen items. 寻找特别品种的布料和开发改革创新的布料,都是客户要求我们提供的主要服务,主要品种括全棉梳织,色织布,印花,亚麻,麻混纺,牛仔,灯心绒,天鹅绒,棉混纺等.
- Cotton yarn dyed small jacquard 全棉色织小提花
- yarn dyed fabric 色织物
- A hank of cotton yarn measures 840 yards. 一汉克的棉纱长达840码。
- yarn dyed cotton acrylic mixed upholstery fabric 色织棉腈交织装饰织物
- Our cotton yarn is of the best quality. 我们的棉纱质量最好。
- Compared with the undyed cotton fabric,the UV transmittance of dyed fabric had a great decrease. 与未染色的棉纤维相比,染色后棉纤维的紫外线透过率大大降低。
- Produce all kinds of cotton 100% Corduroy, Twill, Poplin, Stain, Nylon/Polyester dyed fabric and Woll fabric, P. 生产各类全棉灯芯绒、斜纹、卡其、府绸、以及各类尼龙、涤纶染色布、各类毛呢和P.
- After women picked the new cotton, they rolled out the seeds with thin and long iron spindles, weaved cotton yarn and then dyed and plaited. 妇女们采摘新棉后,就能用细长铁轴轧出棉籽,纺织棉纱,又染色织布。
- Loop dying machines feed a rope of cotton yarn through vats of indigo dye and then back out. 通过大桶靛蓝染料使死的机器饲料成环棉纱品绳索然后取消。
- Yarn dyed crinkle georgette can be made into bedgown. 适用于高档真丝睡衣。有意者请与我联系。
- Produce all kinds of cotton 100% Corduroy, Twill, Poplin, Stain, Nylon/Polyester dyed fabric and Woll fabric, P.U. and so on. 生产各类全棉灯芯绒、斜纹、卡其、府绸、以及各类尼龙、涤纶染色布、各类毛呢和P.;U
- Made of fiber or yarn dyed before weaving. Used especially of rugs. 染色原纤由纺织前就染色的纤维或纱线制成的。尤指地毯
- In this paper, three methods of shade correction for cotton dyed fabric were described in detail, such as additive, subtractive and achromatic processes. 介绍纯棉染色织物在色光不符客户供样要求时的各种补救方法,即加色、减色和消色三大类,阐述了各种修色方法的注意事项和工艺要求。
- Our main business yarn, cotton yarn, Zaisheng Mian spinning. 本厂主要经营纱线、棉纱、再生棉纺纱。
- The paper discusses the basic methods of color-correction of dyed yam in yarn dyed frbric and the influences of different fabric structure and processing technology on color shade with some solutions put forward. 摘要文章探讨了色织物色纱对色的基本方法及不同的织物组织结构和加工工艺对色光的影响,并提出了解决方法。
- A fine wool and cotton yarn used especially for knitting underwear and hosiery. 麦利诺精纺线一种优质毛线或棉线,尤指用来纺织内衣裤及袜子之类的物品
- Our main product lines vary from yarn dye poplin,dobby, stretch,seersucke6 flannel,cotton/linen to mercerizing.high yarn count.high density and speial finishing. 主要产品从色织府绸、提花、弹力、泡泡布、绒布、棉麻到高支高密、丝光及特殊后处理.;品种齐全、花样繁多。