- coumot duopoly 古诺双头垄断
- One firm conducts cost\|reducing R&D in a duopoly. 双寡头中有一个企业从事成本降低型研究与发展(R&D)。
- Also known as "buyer's duopoly". 也称为"买方的双头垄断"。
- Duopoly A situation in which two companies own all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. 双头垄断指两家公司拥有一种产品或服务所有或接近所有市场份额的状况。
- As the Congressional Research Service puts it, U.S. Consumers face a "cable and telephone broadband duopoly. 由於国会研究服务的说法,美国消费者面对"有线电话、宽带双寡头"
- This paper researches product development game with certain product life span in duopoly market. 本文研究了双头市场中的具有一定生命周期的产品开发竞争。
- This paper derives a government's optimal R&D subsidy policy to a domestic duopoly. 考虑政府针对国内双寡头企业的最优R&D补贴策略.
- Under the conditions of duopoly, the efficiency of pollution control will he researched because of monopoly. 摘要在寡头垄断市场中,排污权交易的治理效率会由于垄断效应而降低。
- This virtual duopoly suits both sorts of provider, and neither has raced to offer its customers faster access. 这种实际上的双头垄断适合这两类公司,因而没有一家向它的客户提供更快的联接来进行竞争。
- Moreover, we extend that a competitor sets multiple stores into spatial duopoly. 本研究更进一步研究在空间竞争结构下,多考虑了厂商设立多工厂参与竞争的影响。
- First, we analyze Bertrand model with product differentiation, then make experimental test in experimental duopoly. 论文首先分析模型的理论值,其次在实验市场中进行了设置检验。
- This paper presents stylized upstream duopoly and downstream monopolistic models. 摘要构建上游双寡头和下游多家厂商的排他性交易模型。
- Obtaining the Cournot equilibrium profit is the ideal result to the duopoly enterprises. 获取古诺均衡利润是两企业长期博弈的理想结果。
- With the function of network externalities being introduced, this paper studies the R&D behaviors of duopoly firms. 摘要运用两阶段博弈模型,研究了网络外部性条件下双寡头企业的R&D合作策略。
- We show thatenterprise's expectations have an impact on the result of duopoly game.The conclusions provide enterpris... 指出寡头的理性会对博弈结果产生较大影响,对企业在混沌市场中的产量决策提供了理论依据。
- A duopoly sustains competition in the production market yet may select to cooperate or not in R&D. 提出了三阶段的研究模式。
- We find that the equilibrium position of duopoly is increasing functions of the function non-substitutive rate. 研究发现,双寡头企业产品的均衡定位是功能非替代率的增函数;
- For 15 years Labour has been dominated and mesmerised by the Blair-Brown duopoly. 15年以来,布莱尔-布朗两家独大的模式支配着工党,而工党也沉迷于此不可自拔。
- The old duopoly's weakening could make it still harder for the Kurds to get closer to independence. 原有的两派操控库尔德人态势的减弱对于库尔德人进一步走向独立仍然艰难。
- If product life span is short and consequently the duopoly competition is mainly a preemption game,no matter whether R&D costs are high or low. 在产品生命周期较短的情况下,无论研发成本高低,双头垄断竞争均表现为占先竞争。