- We count by fingers and toes, total twenty. It is insufficient soon when counting something, but generations of fire transmitting never come to the end. 我们用指头来点数,手指、脚指都用上也不过二十个,很快就不够数了,可是薪火相传则永远没有尽头。
- Student B: Tug of war by fingers? 学生乙:手指拔河?
- Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。
- Wang Ping: Let me say something about the "tug of war by fingers". 王平:再说“手指拔河”。
- Her child learned to count by watching Sesame Street on television. 通过看电视节目芝麻街,她的孩子学会了数数。
- CUT TO PAPER MONEY being counted by ten skilled fingers. 十指娴熟数钱。
- count by fingers 掐指(扳着指头)一算
- Wang Ping: The citizens of a small German town Mitonwalt are very fond of tug of war by fingers. 王平:德国小镇密顿瓦尔特的市民们酷爱手指拔河比赛。
- Divided or counted by tens;decimal. 十进制被十除或以十记数;十进制
- The life of a rose is counted by hours. 玫瑰的生命以小时计算。
- If you are using a touch screen on your device, controls should be large enough to be touchable by fingers. 如果设备上有触摸屏,上面的控件必须要足够大,可以让手指轻松无误地触及。
- Divided or counted by tens; decimal. 十进制被十除或以十记数;十进制
- I count by fives and tens with the mentality bearing the crime confessing Platoon Leader our and Li relation. 我带着负罪的心理一五一十的交待了我和黎排长的关系。
- Has the Bush administration drastically understated the U.S. military death count by redefining "death"? 布什行政当局用重新定义”死亡”的方式来大量降低死亡数字吗?
- At about 6 oclock in the morning, I woke up and opened the curtain, with a flat of steam on glass windows, a round smiling face was drawn by finger. 清晨6时许,我习惯地睁开眼。拉开窗帘,玻璃窗上凝结着一层水蒸汽,蒙蒙地,手指三两下,画出了一个圆圆的笑脸。
- Wipe out extra cream from the brush after use. Sweep the brush against its hardness by finger tips before use next time. 画完眼线后用纸把刷子上的多余膏体擦掉,若下次用时发现刷头是硬的,用手指拨拨刷毛即可。
- Miss Sullivan tried to teach me to count by stringing beads in groups, and by arranging kindergarten straws I learned to add and subtract. 苏利文老师尝试让我计数一串串珠子,然后用幼稚园教材的空心管让我学习加和减。
- We propose a method to reduce the DAC gate count by sharing one DAC with multiple data lines using multiplexer and switches. 提出了利用多工器以及选择器,使多条资料线共用一个DAC以减少资料线驱动电路中DAC的数目。
- For movable memory objects, GlobalLock increments the count by one, and the GlobalUnlock function decrements the count by one. 每一个内存对象的内存数据结构包含了一个初始化为的锁计数。