- Count down in reverse order 10, 9, 8... 倒数--10、 9、 8...
- Waiting for the terminal of the count down. 等待着倒计时的终点。
- Count down Tree freedown turn shot! 想象一下这场比赛的翻盘,但是对方的加油声响在耳畔!
- Count down in reverse order 10,9,8... 倒数10,9,8--
- The controllers counted down to blast-off. 控制器倒读数至发射时间。
- The spaceship is already being counted down. 宇宙飞船已在进行倒计时。
- On New Year's Eve, we count down the time until midnight. 新年前夜,我们倒计时一直到午夜。
- The first text box starts to count down the seconds. 第一个文本框将开始倒计时读秒。
- The people at Control have already begun to count down. 控制台的人员已经开始倒计时。
- The controllers counted down to blast off. 控制器倒读数到发射时间。
- The scientist counted down to blast. 科学家倒数数至发射时间。
- She's already counting down to the big day. 她已经在对这一重大日子倒计时了。
- The commander started counting down. 指挥者开始倒计时。
- The scientist counted down to blast . 科学家倒数数至发射时间。
- The timer display in the group quest window will now align and count down properly. 团队限时任务的计时器将会对齐在适当的位置上,并正常地作用。
- Some applications require that the counter perform both functions, count up as well as count down. 在某些应用中,要求计数器能同时完成两种功能,既能累加计数,又能累减计数。
- The spaceship will soon be launched, the people at control have already begun to count down. 宇宙飞船很快就要发射了,控制室的人已经开始在倒数了。
- According to custom, each family will stay up to count down for the New Year on the eve of the Spring Festival. 按照传统,除夕晚上全家老少都要一起熬夜守岁,倒数新年。
- Three years later, officials added a time ball to count down the seconds to the New Year. 三年以后,政府为新年庆典增加了一个计时球来倒数新年到来的时刻。
- In this world ,we can not count down the fantastic things,we definitely hope we get much more ,we could own much more . 这世间,美好的东西实在数不过来了,我们总是希望得到的太多,让尽可能多的东西为自己所拥有。