- Hitler would have none of it particularly as the Soviets had launched a new counter offensive in the Orel sector. 曼施坦因对希特勒的这种做法大发雷霆,并认为应当做最后的一次努力,德国就一定能赢得战争。
- Although the strategic defensive retains its defensive character throughout its duration,still as compared with the retreat the counter offensive already represents a change not only in form but in content. 虽然在整个战略防御中并没有脱离防御性质,然而反攻和退却相较,不但形式上,而且内容上,是起了变化的东西。
- Although the strategic defensive retains its defensive character throughout its duration, still as compared with the retreat the counter offensive already represents a change not only in form but in content. 虽然在整个战略防御中并没有脱离防御性质,然而反攻和退却相较,不但形式上,而且内容上,是起了变化的东西。
- You can figure on losing about a fifth of your force in counter offensives. 反击战的兵力消耗须以不超过五分之一为度。
- switch over to the counter offensive 转入反攻
- Great Counter Offensive in Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Area 山东抗日根据地大反攻
- Great Counter Offensive in Anti-Japanese Base Area in Central China 华中抗日根据地大反攻
- His hasty temper made him offensive. 他急躁的脾气使他令人讨厌。
- We had no counter left to an offensive. 我们已没有相应的手段来对付进攻了。
- There was an enormous cat crouching on the counter. 柜台上蜷伏着一只硕大的猫。
- I found him extremely offensive. 我发现他非常令人讨厌。
- His remarks were deeply offensive. 他的话非常无礼。
- The troops took up offensive positions. 部队已准备发起攻击。
- He placed the money on the counter. 他把钱放在柜台上。
- He bridled (with anger) at her offensive remarks. 他听了她无礼的话(愤怒得)扬起头来。
- Can the goods be refunded at your counter? 你们柜台的商品可以退吗?
- The advertisements were highly offensive to woman. 这些广告令女士们大为反感。
- He was still on the offensive against the sponsors. 他仍在攻击主办人。
- We should not act counter to our promise. 我们不应违背自己的诺言。
- The boss kicked him out for an offensive remark. 老板因为他说了一句冒犯的话就把他开除了。