- counterfeit currency checker 验钞机
- Dogs have long been used to sniff out explosives, narcotics, and even counterfeit currency. 狗长久以来一直被用于嗅闻炸药,毒品,甚至假钞。
- As the suspects have correlative expertise,it's increasingly difficult to examine the counterfeit currency. 由于造假者具有相关的专业知识,使得货币检验的难度增大。
- The term “forged currency” refers to counterfeit currency which is fabricated by imitating the design, shape and color etc. of genuine currency. 伪造的货币是指仿照真币的图案、形状、色彩等,采用各种手段制作的假币。
- For the first time all the new buses are equipped with security monitoring and counterfeit currency detection equipment. 跟以往不同的是,这些新车首次配备了安全监控系统和假币识别等新设备。
- Article 9A financial institution shall manage the seized counterfeit currency separately and establish a register for the custody thereof. 第九条金融机构对收缴的假币实物进行单独管理,并建立假币收缴代保管登记簿。
- In addition to shunning narcotics, weapons and counterfeit currency, they should abjure “subversive activities” or the “display of religious, political or racial banners”. 另外,要避免毒品、武器和假币,抵制“颠覆活动”和“展示有关宗教、政治、种族的标语”。
- Altered currency refers to counterfeit currency which is reproduced on the basis of genuine currency using methods such as patching, covering, altering and reprinting. 变造的货币是指在真币的基础上,利用挖补、揭层、涂改、拼凑、移位、重印等多种方法制作,改变真币原形态的假币。
- The guide also spells out a long list of items that cannot be brought into the country, including weapons, imitation weapons, ammunition, explosives, counterfeit currency, drugs and poisons. 这个规则还列出了一长串在不能带入这个国家的东西的清单;包括武器;武器仿制品;弹药;爆炸物;假钞;毒品和毒药.;也禁止原料进入
- put into circulation; of counterfeit currency. 使进入循环;例如假币。
- Crime of selling counterfeit currency 出售伪造发票罪
- There were over 60 capital offenses, including nonviolent financial crimes such as counterfeiting currency, embezzlement, and corruption. 在60个重大案件中,包括了非暴力的经济犯罪如制造假币、挪用公款和贪污腐败。
- The checker checks on the quality of our products. 检查者检查我们的产品的质量。
- On Some Problems of Crime of Holding or Using Counterfeit Currency 论持有、使用假币罪的几个问题
- Identification of Counterfeit Currency With Laser Technology 用激光技术识别伪钞
- A Brief Analysis of Technology Against Counterfeit Currency 浅析货币的防伪技术
- It is a crime to counterfeit money. 伪造货币是犯罪行为。
- The checker made a check on all the victims' friends. 检查者对所有受害者的朋友进行了调查。
- He was arrested for smuggling out currency. 他因携带货币出境而被捕。
- This note is counterfeit, but that one's good. 这张钞票是假的,那张是真的。