- course teaching software 课程教学软件
- The course teaching management software scientize is able to improve teaching of extensive teaching handling crew control level. 科学化的课程教学管理软件还能够提高广大教学管理人员的教学管理水平。
- This article takes the modern teaching thought as the instruction, embarked from the software engineering method angle, has discussed the design and exploitation process of teaching website about the"Multimedia Teaching Software Design"course. 本文以现代教学思想为指导,从软件工程方法学的角度出发,探讨了《多媒体教学软件设计》课程教学网站的设计与开发过程。
- In virtue of the FrontPage,PowerPoint,Word,Excel,and module the Flash MX 2004,the 3DS Max,and animation manufacture software,Visio,Auto CAD etc,making use of the multi-media teaching,the reform of the traditional course teaching method was carried out. 借助FrontPage、PowerPoin、tW ord、Excel等组件,F lash MX 2004、3DS M ax等动画制作软件,V isio 2003、Auto CAD等绘图软件,运用多媒体教学手段实现了对传统课程教学方法的改革。
- Learning by doing, each teacher is required to design a teaching software for his her teaching subjects. 从实践中学习,要求教师为自己任教的学科设计一教学软件。
- Simultaneity, looked forward to the development direction of the Teaching software . 同时对教学软件的发展趋势进行了展望。
- Humane care is the guide to carry out the humane quality education; the course teaching is important carrier of humane quality education. 认为人文关怀是实施人文素质教育的先导,课程教学是人文素质教育的重要载体。
- With popularity of computer education, computer labs in many schools have installed multi media teaching software. 摘要随着计算机教育的普及,学校机房大多安装了多媒体教学软件。
- This is a 40-hour intermediate training course taught in Mandarin. 这个以华语教学的中级课程,历时40小时。
- YU WEI founded in September of 2001 with selling of teaching software and Twingo Power Wind Forcer. 本公司于2001年由许庆祥创设,主要销售教学软件及节能风球机。
- Considerations on reform of Wushu elective course teaching in common institutes of P.E. 对普通高校武术选项课教学改革的思考。
- Offer CATIA teaching software of practice, in order to the ability to strengthen student's products shape-designing. 2. 提供Catia实务的教学软体,以加强学生产品造型设计之能力。
- The practice proves that develop of multimedia teaching software on dyeing and finishing process is successful. 实践证明,染整工艺原理多媒体教学软件的开发是成功的。
- Of course teaching assistantship is quite important.But the bottom line for maintaining TA position is 3.0 ,level B. 所以什么状态不状态,新情况适应不适应,都是借口。
- It researcy and Explores the reform measures of the course teaching of "Biochemistry and Biochemistry Experiment". 研究和探索了生物化学及其实验教学改革的思路和措施。
- The application of multi-media technique is very important in using this method and visualization teaching software is a good support. 在这一教学方法的实施过程中,多媒体技术的应用显得非常重要,而可视化教学软件是目前较好的技术支持。
- The course teaches students to avoid ambiguity and obscurity of expression. 这门课程教学生避免表达上的模棱两可、含混不清。
- A new multi-func-tional network monitoring and assisting teaching software system is designed based on UDP network protocols. 此方案由控制台系统和工作站系统组成,在功能上兼顾网络监控和辅助教学,具备自动监控和控制计算机教学网络的功能;
- Practice of Fiber Physics and Chemistry (0-3-1) elective course Teaching students about the testing of the physical and chemical properties of fibers. 纤维理化实验(0-3-1)选修讲授纤维之各种重要之物理及化学性质之实际测定方法与技巧。
- It can be a part of a design and simutation software for ASIC, and also can be a teaching software for studing computer system. 它可以用于专用集成电路的设计,也可以作为仿真系统的一个组成部分,还可以作为计算机系统辅助教学软件。