- Should I have a Jury Trial or Court Trial? 我应该请求陪审团审理还是法庭审理?
- Must I decide if I want a jury trial or a court trial? 我必须决定是否要陪审团审理或法庭审理吗?
- Today, Xiao Liu attends a court trial as a juror for the first time. 今天小刘第一次以陪审员的身份出席庭审现场。
- Each party has to decide if they want a jury trial, or a court Trial. 各方都必须决定是否要陪审团审理或法庭审理。
- Ministerial intervention will disrupt the normal process of the court trial. 行政介入将扰乱法庭审讯的正常程序。
- It is a problem in China's criminal justice that very few witnesses testifying at the court trial or hearing. 传闻证据规则是关于证人出庭作证问题的一项重要的证据规则。
- For example, a defense lawyer in a court trial may become very emotional in arguing with the government lawyer about evidence affecting the accused. 例如,辩护律师在法庭审判上关于证据对被告的影响和政府律师的辩论可能十分激动。
- When charged with criminal offenses, Macao residents shall enjoy the right to an early court trial and shall be presumed innocent before convicted. 澳门居民在被指控犯罪时,享有尽早接受法院审判的权利,在法院判罪之前均假定无罪。
- Xinbaoxun (Reporter Guozhixia) yesterday, the concern " on lifting property management services contract case" in the Fengtai court trial. 信报讯(记者郭志霞)昨天,备受关注的“告物业解除管理服务合同案”在丰台法院开庭审理。
- This is distinguished from a “court trial” in which the judge decides factual as well as legal questions, and makes the final judgment. 这不同于那种“法官审判”,在法官审判中,法官认定这个案件的事实问题和法律问题,同时做出案件的最终判决。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- But the allegations, Dong Qing three are accused in the first court trial denied collective estoppel, in the industry caused the sensation, but also to the verdict in this case has added uncertainty. 不过对于上述指控,董正青等三被告在第一次庭审中集体翻供予以否认,在业内引起不小的轰动,也给本案的判决结果增添了不确定性。
- The flier is flying a new-type jet plane on trial. 飞行员正在驾驶一架新式喷气机作试验飞行。
- The absurd trial is a sendup of the Dublin court. 那荒谬的审判是对都柏林法院讽刺性的模仿。
- There are several reasons why ex parte contact issues arise more frequently in agency proceedings than in court trials. 与法庭审判相比,单方面接触问题更频繁地出现在行政机关诉讼中,其原因有以下几种。
- This becomes a difficulty when eyewitness accounts are important for evidence in court trials. 在法庭审讯中,当目击者的陈述被当作重要证据时,就给我们带来了一个难题。
- Israel has forcibly returned dozens of border crossers to Egypt to face military court trials. 以色列将数十越境者硬性遣返埃及面对军事法庭的审判。
- The trial was a travesty of justice. 这次审判嘲弄了法律的公正性。
- She was held in custody pending trial. 她被拘留候审。
- The court is acting in loco parent. 正以家长地位行为的法院。