- But ratings can cover a multitude of sins. 但是投资等级也能涵盖众多过失。
- Baggy clothes cover a multitude of sins. 宽松的衣服遮百丑啊。
- The description `produce of more than one country' can cover a multitude of sins. `多国产物'之说尽可遮人耳目了。
- A good reputation covers a multitude of sins. 一个好名声掩盖许多罪恶(一善遮百丑)。
- Charity covers a multitude of sins. 慈善可以掩万恶。
- Charity covers a multitude of sin. 博爱遮百丑。
- The price excludes fixtures and fittings,which could cover a multitude of sins. 这个价格不包括装置器和接头附件,因为它们可能包括的东西很多。
- The price excludes fixtures and fittings, which could cover a multitude of sins. 这个价格不包括装置器和接头附件,因为它们可能包括的东西很多。
- A growing economy covers a multitude of sins for the government. 蓬勃的经济为政府掩盖种种见不得人的东西。
- You say that he owns a business, but "business" covers a multitude of sins. 你说他开了一家商行, 但“商行”两字下面藏有种种见不得人的东西。
- I won't say I slept late and forgot the lecture. I'll say I was ill. That covers a multitude of sins. 我不会说我睡过了头,忘记上课,我就说我生病了。这个借口冠冕堂皇。
- Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. 最要紧的是彼此切实相爱。因为爱能遮掩许多的罪。
- Charity create a multitude of sin. 宽容生百恶,姑息必养奸。
- stucco could cover a multitude of sins including poor brickwork. 粉刷可以掩饰许多毛病,包括很差的砌砖工作。
- Success covers a multitude of blunders. 成功由大量的失误铸造。
- Success covers a multitude of blunden. 乐观既是一种气质,又是一种心境。
- So the term “middle class” covers a multitude of differences. 因此“中产阶级”这一术语囊括的分歧众多。
- cover a multitude of sins 掩盖种种丑恶 的东西,是个冠冕堂皇的借口
- She has entered a world where beauty hides a multitude of sins. 她进入了一个美貌掩盖一切的世界。
- Remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. 这人该知道叫一个罪人从迷路上转回,便是救一个灵魂不死,并且遮盖许多的罪。