- Warships covered the landing of the invading army. 战舰炮火掩护入侵部队登陆。
- The director of a firm corresponds to the commander of an army. 公司的经理就等于是军队里的将军。
- He's the stereotype of an army officer. 他属于把种老派的军官。
- There is no longer the land of milk and honey. 不再有富饶的乐土。
- The armored vehicles of an army. 军队的装甲车辆
- The leading units moving at the head of an army. 在部队最前方行进的引导单位。
- As an everlasting possession I will give you and your descendants after you the land in which you now are aliens, all the land of Canaan, and I will be God to your descendants. 我要把你们居此不久的这片土地,即全部迦南的土地赐给你和你的后代,作为永久的财产。我是你子孙后代的上帝。
- The movable equipment and supplies of an army. 辎重:可移动的装备和军队必需品。
- The loss of one inch of the general appearance of a mural would mean the loss of an inch of territory of the land of the cultural mecca. 损失一寸画面,就意味着这片文化圣地又丢掉一寸版图。
- The book was so boring that it had Mary into the land of Nod in twenty minutes. 这本书枯燥乏味,玛丽看了还不到二十分钟就睡着了。
- cover the landing of the main force 掩护主力部队登陆
- The landing gear of an aircraft. 飞行器的起落架
- The sound of an outcry from Babylon, And of great destruction from the land of the Chaldeans! 有哀号的声音、从巴比伦出来.有大毁灭的响声、从迦勒底人之地发出。
- And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. 法老对约瑟夫说,我已任命你为全埃及的统治者。
- The 108 mirror pieces turned out to be 108 winkling and glittering Crystal lakes of different sizes, covering the land of Jiuzhaigou. 女神在接过神镜时,由于心情无比激动,镜子竟然从她颤抖的手中滑落,掉到山下,碎成了108块,从此给九寨沟留下了108个形态各异、晶晶闪亮的湖泊。
- A drapery covering the front of an altar. 遮挡祭坛前的帷幕
- General Lee takes command of an army. 李将军指挥军队。
- The plane bammed against the land of the airport. 飞机嘭的一声撞在机场的地上。
- Discipline is the soul of an army. 纪律是军队的灵魂。
- The little boy went off to the land of Nod. 小男孩睡着了。