- crack growth theory 裂纹扩展理论
- The fatigue crack growth rate is the core for predicting fatigue life by use of fatigue crack propagation(FCP) theory. 疲劳裂纹扩展率表达式是采用疲劳裂纹扩展理论预报疲劳寿命的核心。
- Abstract The fatigue crack growth rate is the core for assessing fatigue growth life by use of fatigue crack propagation (FCP) theory. 摘要 疲劳裂纹扩展速率表达式是采用疲劳裂纹扩展理论评估疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的核心。
- Methods Nonequilibrium statistical theory of fracture was made and the blocking influence of triple junctions on crack growth was considered . 方法用非平衡断裂统计理论框架并且考虑了晶体内部三叉结对裂纹阻塞的影响。
- In the tie girder boxes crack growth was detected near the crack tip. 在系杆箱型梁中裂纹尖端附近检测到裂纹的扩展。
- The flaking do increases and undulates the fatigue crack growth rate. 钢中的白点能增加疲劳扩展速率并使扩展速率发生波动。
- Many studies in the related area of stress corrosion or subcritical crack growth use simplified test systems. 许多有关应力腐蚀或亚临界裂纹发展领域的研究使用了简化的试验系统。
- Endogenous growth theory believes that economy tends to converge to its stable state or its equilibrium growth path. 新古典经济增长理论认为经济向自己的稳态或平衡增长路径收敛。
- The analytical investigation of nonlinear creep crack growth is in its infancy and much remains to be learned and done. 对于蠕变裂纹扩展的分析研究还是处于初期阶段,还有许多事情有待于认识和完成。
- Theeconomic development theory comes from the theory of economic growth theory in the western economics. Since Adam ? 经济发展理论的直接源头在西方经济学中的经济增长理论,自亚当·斯密以来西方经济学都在探索经济增长的源泉、动力、条件。
- N. Shlyannikov, Z.B. Kuang, F.P. Yang (2004), Surface fatigue crack growth behavior, Russian journal Power Engineering Problems. 杨凤鹏,林卓英(2004),表面裂纹疲劳扩展的试验,北京科技大学学报.
- Topics include neoclassical and new growth theory, consumption and saving behavior, investment, and unemployment. 主题包括了新古典主义与新的成长理论、费与储蓄行为、资和失业。
- The fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) of 4130X steel in H2S environment is researched in this paper. 研究了4130X钢在硫化氢(H2S)腐蚀介质中的疲劳裂纹扩展速率da/dN。
- In this paper, ALGOL computer program of data reduction techniques, for fatigue crack growth test is described. 本文叙述了疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验数据处理的ALGOL计算程序。
- First, the present paper reviews the evolution of the economic growth theory, which is divided into six schools. 摘要本文首先回顾了西方经济增长理论的演化历程,将其划分为六个流派。
- SEM and Microzone Phase Structure Analysis (MPSA) help to describe the process of fatigue crack growth of the steel. 用SEM和微区相结构测试技术分析了中锰铸钢在疲劳裂纹扩展过程中的行为特点。
- The fatigue striations were readily observed in stable crack growth regions for both aluminum alloys. 另外,从两款铝-镁合金在裂缝延伸的过程中,发现会有因为裂缝延伸产生裂缝尖端塑性钝化而形成疲劳纹路。
- Perforce theory believes that inequality improve growth. Endogenous economic growth theory shows that inequality is harmful for growth. 早期的理论研究认为收入分配不平等有利于经济增长 ,而近代内生增长理论认为不平等不利于经济增长。
- G .C .Sih,Mixed Mode Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction.Frac .Mech,Vol.13(3),439-451,(1980). 肖芳淳:复合型塑性区尺寸因子断裂判据,力学与实践,第一期,1981年。