- A crack shot; a crack tennis player. 神枪手; 一流的网球运动员
- Dirk, nearly sixteen, is a crack shot. 不到16岁的德克是一名神枪手。
- That was a cracking shot he played. 他这一下打得妙极了。
- He's a crack shot(= accurate and skilled at shooting). 他是个神枪手。
- He's the crack shot of our squad and never misses the bull's-eye in target practice. 他是我们班里的神枪手,打靶时总是百发百中。
- American frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West. Often dressed in men's clothing,she was reputed to be a crack shot and an expert rider. 伯克,马莎·简1852?-1903美国女拓荒者和西部的传奇人物。她经常身着男装,被认为是一位神枪手和技艺高超的骑手。
- American frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West. Often dressed in men's clothing, she was reputed to be a crack shot and an expert rider. 伯克,马莎·简1852?-1903美国女拓荒者和西部的传奇人物。她经常身着男装,被认为是一位神枪手和技艺高超的骑手
- This soldier is a crack shot. 这个战士枪法高明。
- She is a crack shot. 她枪法高明。
- Crack Shot - Any enemy the Exarch is shooting at may not make any cover saves and he may reroll any to wound rolls when shooting. 出色枪法-军官射击的目标不具有掩蔽物保护,可重掷失败的损伤。
- Exarch powers enhance his shooting - Fast Shot and Crack Shot which remain unchanged in their rules from the previous codex. 军官灵能会加强他自己的射击能力,快速射击与出色枪法能力不变。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- a circus gunman; a circus crack shot 神枪演员
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- an expert marksman; a crack shot 神枪手
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- The fox ran away before the hunter shot it. 那只狐狸在猎人向它射击前跑掉了。
- The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。
- The riot police started to crack down on them. 防暴警察开始对他们采取镇压行动。