- First,the amout of vicia faba root nodule which were irrigat... 本文还对以上结果的产生原因进行了初步的分析和探讨。
- The root nodule of the legume plant's ability of nitrogen fixation from air makes it grow in the poor soil very well. 摘要豆科植物的根瘤可以从空气中固定氮气而在贫痔的土壤中生长。
- Bacteroid A modified bacterial cell in a root nodule, typically a cell of the bacterium Rhizobium in the root nudule of a leguminous plant (family Fabaceae). 类细菌:在根瘤中经过修饰的细菌细胞,比较典型的是在豆科植物根瘤中的根瘤菌(蝶形花科)。
- Like rhizobia, the nitrogen-fixing endophyte Frankia elicits the formation of specialized root nodule structures which house BNF processes. 像根瘤菌一样,固氮的内寄生弗兰克氏菌能够诱发特殊的根瘤结构,在其中进行生物固氮过程。
- Usually occur in the root nodules of legumes. 通常长在豆类的根结节处。
- So rhizobia was the main induced factors of transfer cells, and the lacking of iron was only the secondary factors during the development of root nodule. 电镜观察结果表明,在根瘤形成过程中,根瘤菌是刺槐根外层传递细胞的主要诱因,而缺铁仅是次要因子。
- The occurrence of hemoglobin in root nodules is notable. 值得注意的是根瘤中出现血红蛋白。
- Applying nitrogen fertilizer could enhance the fresh weight and dry weight of Chinese milk vetch, but it had negative effect on the formation of root nodule and the biological nitrogen fixation. 施用氮肥能促进紫云英干物质的积累和鲜草产量的提高 ,但对其根瘤的形成及生物固氮有负面影响。
- Most species have root nodules containing nitrogenfixing bacteria. 大多数有根瘤,其中含有固氮菌。
- He wore crape as a sign of mourning. 他戴着黑纱表示哀悼。
- root nodule in Onobrychis viciaefolia 红豆草根瘤
- Any of various structurally modified bacteria,such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants. 类杆细菌一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌
- Any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants. 类杆细菌一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌
- Here is a preliminary result of observation on root nodules of Hordeum Vulgate L. war. 本期发表南京大学蒋虎祥同志关于王曼新在元麦上“人工诱发根瘤”切片的电镜观察报告就是这一期间的重要成果之一。
- The BNF process reduces N2 to plant available forms using bacterial enzymes produced within root nodules. 生物固氮过程是利用植物根瘤中产生的细菌酶把N2还原成有效形态。
- One excellent example of a symbiotic relationship is found in the root nodules of leguminous plants. 反映共生关系的一个好例子就是豆类植物的根瘤。
- Preliminary study on the root nodule formation of the legume plant 豆科植物根瘤形成条件初探
- To cover or drape with or as if with crape. 用绉纱或绉纱似的东西覆盖
- Rhizobia are able to induce the organogenesis of root nodules on legumeinous plants and reduce atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. 根瘤菌与豆科植物共生固氮而在农业和生态环境中具有重要作用。