- The term" crash dive" refers to the sudden dropping of a sub to escape detection, an act that a nuclear sub is never supposed to make. 海豹特种部队奉命发动奇袭,登上潜艇跟恐怖分子进行殊死战。
- To undergo a crash dive. 急速潜没潜水艇急速潜没
- The newspaper got a scoop on the airplane crash. 该报独家报导了那次飞机失事。
- He stands shivering on the brink, wait to dive in. 他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖。
- The car hit the tree with a sickening crash. 那辆汽车撞在树上发出让人难受的撞击声。
- I saw a rabbit dive into its hole. 我看见一只兔子钻进洞。
- The building fell with a crash as loud as thunder. 建筑物轰隆一声倒塌了,声如雷鸣。
- The house fell with a crash as loud as thunder. 房子轰隆一声倒塌,声如雷鸣。
- The market values are in a nose dive. 市价暴跌。
- A suit of armour fell over with a loud crash. 胄甲啪的一声重重地摔在了地上。
- The sole survivor of the crash was a little boy. 这次撞车事故的唯一幸存者是一个小男孩。
- His friend was injured in a car crash. 他的朋友在一次汽车事故中受了伤。
- The heavy box landed crash on his head. 沉重的箱子哗啦一声掉到他的头上。
- Throw your arms out in front of you as you dive. 跳水时手臂迅速前伸。
- A lot of passengers are killed in the train crash. 许多旅客在火车车祸中丧生了。
- The policeman made a dive for the dropped weapon. 警察扑向掉下的武器。
- At the news of the plane crash she turned pale. 听到飞机失事的消息她的脸都吓白了。
- He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash. 他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈。
- Mark is too lily-livered to dive off the high board. 马克太胆小,不敢从高台跳水。
- Her face was badly bruised in the crash. 她碰得鼻青脸肿。