- The main purpose of industry is to create wealth. 工业的主要宗旨是创造财富。
- The purpose of industry is to create wealth. 勤劳的目的是致富。
- We're relearning how to create wealth. 我们在学习了如何创造财富。
- We may get negative evaluations when we create wealth for the world; create anyway. 当我们为世界创造价值时,往往得不到认可,还会被反咬一口,但还是要尽力为世界创造一切;
- As an entrepreneur today, you must do a lot more than expected in order to run a successful business and create wealth! 作为一位企业家,今天,你必须做很多工作,比预期要办好一个成功的企业和社会创造财富!
- Wanda takes "Create Wealth together, Benefit the Society" as the corporate mission. 万达集团把“共创财富,公益社会”作为企业使命。
- Helps you to learn how to create wealth in your life without a deep study of metaphysics or financial theories. 即使你不具备高深的金融知识,这本书也一样能帮你致富。
- You will find no better market in the world in which to build a business, create wealth and create opportunities," Gutierrez said. 你们将会发现,全世界没有比美国更好的市场,让你们做生意,创造财富,以及创造机会。”
- Womack,J.P.,and Jones,D.T.,“Lean Thinking: Banish waste and create wealth in your corporation”, Simon &Schuster, 1996. 精实革命:消除浪费、创造获利的有效方法,钟汉清译,经济新潮社,2004。
- The motivation of China's millions to pursue happiness and create wealth is an inexhaustible reservoir of drive for the country's modernization. 中国亿万人民追求幸福、创造财富的积极性,乃是推进国家现代化取之不尽、用之不竭的巨大力量。
- One of the top priorities of my administration is to promote further economic growth,so as to create wealth for the people and to improve the quality of life for all. 特区政府其中一个优先处理的问题就是去进一步促进经济发展,为民创富,并提高生活质素。
- Promote the rising of innovative suppliers and new companies (high-tech too), which can create wealth and added value, producing beneficial results on local traditional sectors. 推动兴起创意的供应商和新公司(高科技),它能够创造财富和附加值,产生有利的结果对当地传统部门。
- As IBM and other innovative firms were now discovering, in some cases it was the sharing of knowledge resources that did the most to create wealth and innovation. 国际商业机器公司(IBM)和其他创新企业现在正发现,在某些情形下,对创造财富和创新贡献最大的恰恰是知识资源的分享。
- At present,it is necessary to give a new definition to capital: capital is the objective being which can create wealth and realize added value in economic life. 在当今条件下应该对资本进行重新定义:资本是社会经济生活中能够创造财富,实现价值增值的客观存在。
- One of the top priorities of my administration is to promote further economic growth, so as to create wealth for the people and to improve the quality of life for all. 特区政府其中一个优先处理的问题就是去进一步促进经济发展,为民创富,并提高生活质素。
- Literacies are the prerequisite for the human agency that used alphabets, presses and digital networks to create wealth, alleviate suffering and invent new institutions. 文化素养是人使用字母表、出版物和数字网络来创造财富、减轻痛苦和发明新制度的前提。
- The OECD, a think-tank for rich countries, says innovation can be defined as “new products, business processes and organic changes that create wealth or social welfare. 发达国家的智囊机构,经合组织(OECD)认为,创新可以定义为“能够创造财富或社会利益的新产品、新商业流程和原创变革”。
- Richard Templar is back and this time he will make you rich.In his inimitable wry style, he reveals the simple golden rules that create wealth and make it grow. 此套书字多,图多,背景虽为法国,然而宝宝的世界是没有国界的,只要父母有心,世界是大同的,希望看到此书的父母也随着宝宝学习,了解宝宝。
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- You can become wealthy by creating wealth or by appropriating wealth created by other people. 你可以通过创造财富或掠夺他人创造的财富而致富。