- We contest USRP activity and academics as the important paths that the creative talented person develop and the encouragement student outshines others in the contest. 我们将USRP活动和学科竞赛作为创新人才培养的重要途径,鼓励学生在竞赛中脱颖而出。
- The basic character of the creative talented person and its educate path discussion and analysis 创新人才的基本素质及其培养途径探析
- creative talented persons 创新人才
- creative talented person 创新人才
- Such a most talented person as he shouldn't be satisfied with what he is. 像他这么有才华的人不应满足于现状。
- He is a talented person, but few know of him. 他是个有才能的人,然而知道他的人并不多。
- Nice talented person grooms mechanism. 良好的人才培训机制。
- Mr. Jansen is a talented person. 简森先生是个有才华的人。
- He is an unusually talented person. 他是个难得的人才。
- There is a limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world. 世界上可以获得的创造性才能的数量是有限的。
- I don't like him either. But to give the devil his due, I must admit that he is a pretty talented person. 我也不喜欢他。不过说句公道话,我得承认他是个很有才华的人。
- He is the music talented person, this is indubitable. 他是个音乐才子,这是无可置疑的。
- Monster There is a limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world. 世界上可以获得的创造性的才能的数量是有限的。
- Demand in the U.S. High-tech sector has not slackened for skilled programmers and creative talent. 美国高科技部门对技术娴熟的程序设计员及创造性人才的需求仍未减少。
- Creative talents need not only high IQ and EQ, but also high WQ. 创造性人才不仅要具有较高的智商、情商,还要有较高的意商。
- Certina has always shown great aesthetic innovation, and today lends its creative talent to a sport-oriented style. 一直以来,Certina表现出巨大的艺术创意,如今则把创造天赋引入运动风格中。
- While London could be known for its creative talent, what it still lacks is commercial clout. 虽然伦敦会因它的创造性的天赋而闻名,但它仍然缺少商业影响力。
- Even with all of its amazing and creative talent, Hollywood could not have come up with a story greater than this. 即便拥有令人惊异的、富有创造性的才能,好莱坞也不能想出一个比这更伟大的故事。
- Film Company Boss: That's not a problem. You just choose a talented person. 电影公司老板:那不成问题由您选择人才好了。
- Such talented person echelon and specialized troop, for profession in rare. 这样的人才梯队与专业化队伍,为行业内所少见。