- A lot of credit goes to a very simple idea: Make computers in different colors. 许多成功的实践均来自于一个很简单的创意:例如让电脑换一种颜色。
- Drinking wine appears to be good for the lungs, a University at Buffalo study has shown, and in this case, the primary credit goes to white wine rather than red. 布法罗大学的一项研究表明,饮用葡萄酒似乎对肺部健康有好处,但是在这一方面,主要的功劳应该归功于白葡萄酒而不是红葡萄酒。
- Thy flowers, and keep them where they shall not pine. Note: Credit goes to lipp at smth. 好生地护养着,别让它褪落了颜色
- In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs. 在科学上功劳总是归于使全世界信服的人,而不是第一个想起某主意的人。
- "In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs" (Francis Darwin). “在科学界,信誉属于以理说服世界的人,而不属于第一个提出观点的人” (弗朗西斯·达尔文)
- If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。
- If work is done successfully on a computer the credit goes to the person concerned, and similarly if it fails, it is his fault. 如果计算机工作成功,那要归功于有关的人员,同样,如果它工作失败,也是有关人员的过失。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- You can go through this list, adding asterisks and footnotes: on the economy, not enough credit goes to the Tories who came before Mr. 你可以仔细查看下面这份清单,在上面加上星号或是脚注:经济方面,布莱尔之前的保守党人没有提供足够的贷款;
- This mod is not mine! all credits goes to the unknown Jap mod. 该样品(模型)不是我的。全部应该归功于未知的日本模型。
- Djokovic says that he's proud that Serbia will host the first ATP tournament, and that the credit goes to his whole family. 德约科维奇说,他对塞尔维亚即将举办第一届ATP赛事而感到自豪,这也归功于他的整个家族。
- Drinking wine appears to be good for the lungs,a University at Buffalo study has shown,and in this case,the primary credit goes to white wine rather than red. 布法罗大学的一项研究表明,饮用葡萄酒似乎对肺部健康有好处,但是在这一方面,主要的功劳应该归功于白葡萄酒而不是红葡萄酒。
- Much of the credit goes to the Hong Kong Association of Banks for playing a pivotal role in seeking community support and industry consensus on banking reform over the years. 过去多年来,银行公会无论是争取社会大众的支持,抑或促使业界就银行业改革达成共识,一直都发挥重要的作用,实在应记一功。
- Now, to the adult mind the logical conclusion is (probably) that parents are behind the mysterious appearance of sub-pillow cash and that credit goes to the tooth fairy. 好啦,对一位成人来说,合逻辑的推论(可能)是:枕头底下会神奇地出现钱都是因为父母,只是他们把功劳归给了牙仙子。
- Thank you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Ted. 谢谢,但是说实话我感觉应该归功于泰德。
- They will go to the zoo or play volleyball. 他们要去动物园或打排球。
- He goes to school not by bus, but on foot. 他去上学不是乘公共汽车,而是走路去的。
- It all goes to show that crime doesn't pay. 这一切都证明犯罪没有好结果。
- Proceeds from the concert will go to charity. 音乐会的收入将捐赠给慈善事业。
- Judy goes to the movies as often as Sara does. 朱迪像莎拉一样时常去看电影。