- Please voice your opinions as fully as possible. 请大家尽量发表意见。
- This bloody debt must be fully paid. 这笔血债必须如数偿还。
- The debt has been fully paid up. Nothing owing. 全数还清,并无下欠。
- The cheetah is generally credited as the world's fastest animal. 普遍认为猎豹是世界上跑得最快的动物。
- If a salving ship is owned or operated by the Carrier, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if the salving ship belonged to strangers. 如果救助船舶为承运人所有或由其经营,则救助费用应当犹如该船属于无关之人一样,全额支付。
- Every bus arrives and leaves packed as fully as a sardine tin. 每辆开来和开走的公共汽车都塞得像。
- The Chinese are credited as the first to have drilled deep water wells. 最早凿出深井的光荣属于中国人。
- No, I don't. The apartment we are living in now is fully paid up. 我没有任何贷款,我现在住的房子已经供完了。
- A thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known. 被领悟的事情是指被充分了解了的事情。
- No, we don't.The apartment we are living now is fully paid up. 我没有任何贷款,我现在所有住的物业供款已经全部付清了。
- Accountants also use the words debit and credit as verbs. 会计师也将借和贷这两个字用作动词。
- Ll open a letter of credit as soon as we receive your invoice. 我们一收到发票后就信用证。
- We still intend to use letter of credit as the term of payment. 我们仍然想用信用证付款方式。
- Please amend the credit as allowing partial shipments. 请将信用证改为允许分批装运。
- He deserves credit as we kept trying to score and he just parried. 他理应获得荣誉因为我们一直在试图进球,而他一直在抵挡。”
- He worked for a time as clerk in a store, went into business as a storekeeper with a drunken partner, and contracted debts that he did not fully pay off for fifteen years. 他曾经当过店员,然后与一个经常酗酒的合伙人共同经营一家零售店,欠下的债务花了15年时间也没有彻底还清。
- Regarding credit as base,we pay attention on every detail,and keep improving.The company enjoys a high profile and good reputation in China and abroad. 公司以诚信为本,在产品品质上关注每一个细节,做到精益求精,在国内外享有较高的知名度和良好的声誉。
- Actually wastes are valuable resources, but we have not yet learned how to reuse them as fully as we can. 事实上废物是很有价值的资源,但是我何尚未学会如何尽可能充分地重新利用它们。
- The investors who are to participate in the off-line allotment shall fully pay the subscription price. 参与网下配售的投资者应全额缴付申购款。
- If a salving ship is owned or operated by the carrier, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if such salving ship or ships belonged to strangers. 如果承运人使用自己的救助船舶进行救助,救助费应按使用其他救助船舶一样计算。