- Compared with creditors right indicators, shareholder's right indicators and macrocosmic institution indicators affect stock market development more significantly. 与“债权人权利指标”相比,“股东权利指标”和“宏观制度指标”对股市发展的影响则更为显著。
- Money flowed from foreign creditors right into their own hands which enabled them to shift into real estate speculation or enter into merger or takeover deals. 资金遂从外国债权人那里流入他们手中,使他们可以可将贷款变更为不动产、投机买卖或进入并购或接管企业的交易里。
- The right of mortgage may not be separated from the creditor's rights and transferred singly, nor used to secure other creditors' rights. 第五十条抵押权不得与债权分离而单独转让或者作为其他债权的担保。
- Article50 The right of mortgage may not be separated from the creditor's rights and transferred singly, nor used to secure other creditors' rights. 第五十条抵押权不得与债权分离而单独转让或者作为其他债权的担保。
- Subrogation is a kind of substantive right, it is established on special basis, and the purpose of it is not to protect all the creditors' rights. 代位权是一种实体性权利,它在我国的确立有其特殊的基础,其设立的目的并不在于保护所有债权人的一般债权。
- Where any debtor or creditor has any different opinion to a form of the creditors' right, it may file an action with the people's court that has accepted the application for bankruptcy. 债务人、债权人对债权表记载的债权有异议的,可以向受理破产申请的人民法院提起诉讼。
- The part of conciliating creditors rights that are not liquidated shall be exercised as bankrupt obligatory rights. 和解债权未受偿的部分,作为破产债权行使权利。
- The duration for declaring creditors rights is calculated since the publication of the decision on accepting the bankruptcy case by the peoples court. 债权申报期限自人民法院裁定受理破产案件的公告生效之日起计算。
- The restructure creditors rights received through transfer by the debtors debtor after the application of the bankruptcy case shall not be set off. 债务人的债务人在破产案件申请后受让取得的重整债权,不得用于抵销。
- Analysis is made on how to determine the investment cost of short period, long period creditors rights and long period stockholders rights. 对短期投资成本、长期债权投资成本、长期股权投资成本的确定进行了分析。
- secured creditors' right in bankruptcy proceedings 破产清理中的保证债权
- Where the bankruptcy assignee makes distribution for several times, it shall publicize the amount of property and creditors rights for distribution this time. 破产清算人实施多次破产分配的,应当公告本次分配的财产额和债权额。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- On the other hand, it deprives the creditors of their direct rights towards the shareholders, which means that the creditors rights will be damaged when the corporation bankrupts. 另一方面,有限责任的存在,使得债权人丧失了直索权,公司在破产资不抵债时,债权人的债权必将受损。
- The right to counterplea refers to the debtor's right to counter creditor's right to request according to statutory particulars of the matter, when the latter exercises its creditors' rights. 抗辩权是指债权人行使债权时,债务人根据法定事由,对抗债权人行使请求权的权利。
- F. The corporate governance framework should be complemented by an effective, efficient insolvency framework and by effective enforcement of creditor rights. 公司治理架构应辅以有效果、有效率的丧失偿债能力处理架构,以及有效果的债权人权利执行机制。
- A Study On General Creditor Right Pledge 一般债权质押制度研究
- I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay. 我竭力躲避债主。
- His creditors are demanding to be paid. 他的那些债主正在讨债。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。