- I feel very comfortable in the zephyr from the sea. 从海上吹来的和风令我非常惬意。
- What will you do with these green crepe? 你用这些绿绉纱做什么?
- crepe zephyr 色织条子绉纹布
- I put my foot down and the Zephyr gathered speed up the slope. 我踩大油门,西风牌汽车加速爬上了斜坡。
- A sheer silk or rayon crepe of dull texture. 带有暗淡起绉表面的薄而结实的丝或似丝质的布料。
- When Zephyr Spirit blocks, return it to its owner'shand. 当轻纱精灵进行阻挡时,将它移回其拥有者手上。
- Why did they attack such a noble craft as the Zephyr? 它们为什么要袭击像西风号这样高贵的一艘飞艇?
- The free breath in Argentine style zephyr is colliding. 阿根廷风格和风中的自由气息碰撞着。
- I get so sick of women in dowdy old clothes and perpetual crepe. 我对那些穿得又丑又旧和永远带着黑纱的女人腻烦透了。
- Instead, zephyr, the most gentle of winds, carried her away. 相反,风向中最温和的西风,将她带走了。
- Her skirt of kingfisher-blue crepe was patterned with flowers. 她下着翡翠撒花洋绉裙.
- The fate of the Zephyr was sealed only moments after the attack. 西风号的悲惨命运,在受到攻击之后不久,便已经注定了。
- He was holding one end of a ribbon of crepe paper tied to a post. 他的手里攥着一条皱纹纸制成的带子,带子的另一端系在一根柱子上。
- Soon Zephyr brought Psyche's sisters for a little visit. 很快,西风将普赛克的姐姐们带来了。
- Does chill cold zephyr heat up a cold what to drug use? 风寒感冒和风热感冒用什么药啊?
- Real silk products include twill crepe series and chiffon series. 真丝类产品有斜纹绸系列和雪纺类系列。
- Crepe paper of bright colours was hung across the ceilings for the festival. 为了庆祝节日,人们在开花板上交叉挂起了色彩艳丽的绉纸。
- Perfect service gift reflects the character zephyr style of ambry in your home. 当然这些还要根据你厨房中的水管及格局来制定。
- What. Do with. How. Deal with eg.What will you do with these green crepe? 你用这些绿绉纱做什么?
- This makes he sends domain be more than equal to a task in Internet zephyr. 这使得他在互联网和风投领域游刃有余。