- crescents of Giannuzzi 贾努齐氏新月形腺细胞
- The crescent of a new moon hung over the mulberry in the yard. 一弯新月高悬在院子里的桑树这上。
- The crescent of a new noon hung over the mulberry in the yard. 一弯新月高悬在院子里的桑树之上。
- In California, it will be that fertile crescent of asphalt and neon that stretches from Santa Barbara to San Diego. 而在加利福尼亚,由柏油路和霓虹灯构成的繁华的新月状地带将从圣巴巴拉一直伸展到圣叠戈。
- A red crescent of sun is visible during a total solar eclipse seen above Varanasi, India on Wednesday, July 22, 2009. 红新月会的太阳是在可见的日全食看到上述瓦拉纳西,印度星期三,2009年7月22日。
- Crescent is a sign of the Muslim religion. 新月形是伊斯兰教的象征。
- The music filled the room. It floated out upon the night, over the housetops, the crescent of the river, losing itself in the silence of the upper air. 音乐声充满了整个房间。它在夜色中飘荡,飞过屋顶,掠过河边的弧形街道,融化在静谧的天空中。......
- These cartoons not only show him, but crudely mock him. One has Muhammad wearing a turban bomb. Another has him wearing the crescent of Islam as devil's horns. 而这些讽刺漫画不仅仅画了先知穆罕默德,而且对他进行嘲笑和讽刺。其中一副是穆罕默德头戴一条状如炸弹的头巾,而另一副将他戴的伊斯兰教新月标志当作恶魔的号角。
- Moments later Jiaxing enjoyed its second dawn of the day. This time, as the sky lightened, glimpses of an upside-down crescent of the sun could be caught through viewing glasses. 过一会儿,嘉兴当地又重现破晓。这时,天空渐渐变亮的时候可以通过观测镜看到呈倒立状的太阳的新月形状。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The rings cannot hide the ragged, icy crescent of Rhea, here imaged in color by the Cassini spacecraft. The second-largest moon of Saturn shines brightly through gaps in the rings. 翻译:星环掩饰不了这个新月状的土卫五;这张彩色图像;由卡西尼号飞船拍摄.;在这张图象里,土星的第二大卫星,仍然能够在星环后面发光。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- She was a chunky kid,with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of withe just under it,where the sun never seems to hit ,at the top of the backs of her legs. 其中一个穿着一件绿色花格子的女孩立刻吸引住了我。