- "Black whistle"--what kind of crime committed by Gong Jianping? "黑哨"龚建平犯了什么罪?
- crime committed by others 顶罪
- The crimes committed by criminals were appalling. 犯罪分子犯下的罪行令人怵目惊心。
- Article25 A joint crime refers to an intentional crime committed by two or more persons jointly. 第二十五条共同犯罪是指二人以上共同故意犯罪。
- Article25. A joint crime is an intentional crime committed by two or more persons jointly. 第二十五条共同犯罪是指二人以上共同故意犯罪。
- Ajoint crime refers to an intentional crime committed by two or more persons jointly. 第二十五条共同犯罪是指二人以上共同故意犯罪。
- "The British public overestimates, by a factor of four, the amount of crime committed by young people. 我没有太多理由去评价他们,毕竟这不是我的国家,就像他们的媒体也不应对其他国家指指点点。
- Every crime committed by a white man against an Indian is concealed or palliated. 白人对印地安人所犯下的每一个罪行都得到包庇和辩解;
- The culpability of the crime committed by a unit should include intent and negligence, also supervisory negligence. 单位犯罪的罪过,应当包括故意和过失,也应当包括监督过失;
- Crimes committed by criminals in prison shall be investigated by the prison. 对罪犯在监狱内犯罪的案件由监狱进行侦查。
- The severity of punishments must be commensurate with the crime committed by an offender and the criminal responsibility he bears. 刑罚的轻重,应当与犯罪分子所犯罪行和承担的刑事责任相适应。
- Article 5. The severity of punishments must be commensurate with the crime committed by an offender and the criminal responsibility he bears. 第五条刑罚的轻重,应当与犯罪分子所犯罪行和承担的刑事责任相适应。
- Changes to data values in nonkeyset columns (made by the cursor owner or committed by other users) are visible as the user scrolls through the cursor. 当用户滚动游标时,对非键集列中的数据值所做的更改(由游标所有者做出或由其他用户提交)是可见的。
- He served as a junior officer when he was young but was thrown into prison because of his involvement in a crime committed by someone else. 他年青时作过小官,因别人的事牵连入狱。
- For this reason, a prosecutor, when filing a lawsuit, shall bear the burden of proof and provide evidence of crime committed by a defendant. 因此,检察官提起公诉时,就要负举证责任,将他认定被告犯罪之证据提出来。
- The bloody crimes committed by the Japanese invaders during the Second World War incurred out enmity. 日本侵略者在二次世界大战期间犯下的血腥罪行使我们感到愤恨。
- Changes to nonkey values in the base tables, either made by the cursor owner or committed by other users, are visible as the owner scrolls around the cursor. 对基表中的非键值所做的更改(由游标所有者更改或由其他用户提交)可以在用户滚动游标时看到。
- The crimes committed by the Dalai Clique are irrefutable and pinned down by ironclad evidence. 达赖集团的犯罪事实铁证如山,是抵赖不掉的。
- Facts show that functionary crimes committed by scientific and technical personnel have more harmful influence. 事实证明,科技人员利用职务便利实施的犯罪,所造成的危害更大,更需要良好的预防措施。
- Crimes committed by persons in businesses including expense-account padding, stealing office supplies, price-fixing, product fraud, etc. 公司职员的犯罪,包括虚报开支、偷盗办公用品、私定价格、产品欺诈等。