- crime constitution system 犯罪构成体系
- Abstract: The point that protests on abolishing the four elements crime constitution theory and overthrowing Chinese criminal law system is not convictive. 摘要:主张取消四要件犯罪构成理论,推翻现行中国刑法学体系的观点是不可取的。
- Because of the differences on theoretical system particular crime constitution theory and related theory terminology, there is confusion between Chinese and foreign criminology in a certain degree. 由于中外刑法学理论体系特别是犯罪构成理论,以及相关理论术语存在差异,一定程度上造成理论上的混乱。
- This kind of crime constitutes a big risk. 此种犯罪构成了我们国家的巨大危险。
- A constitutional system of government. 立宪制度根据宪法运行的政府体制
- The constitution of complicity is the amendment of normal crime constitution, and the constitution of the one-sided accomplice is the amendment of complicity. 共同犯罪的构成是单独犯罪构成的修正形式,而片面共犯的构成则是共同犯罪构成的修正形式。
- Those who need to adopt constitution system is perfect, demarcate influence, make judge influence, superintendence force. 需要通过宪法制度的完善 ,限定权力 ,制衡权力 ,监督权力。
- This kind of crime constitutes a big risk to our nation. 此种犯罪构成了我们国家的巨大危险。
- The article argues that in China,analysing from constitution system,history culture and justice reform,prosecutorial power is legal supervision power. 在司法改革的背景下,从中国宪政体制和历史文化角度分析我国的检察权是法律监督权。
- The article argues that in China, analysing from constitution system, history culture and justice reform, prosecutorial power is legal supervision power. 在司法改革的背景下,从中国宪政体制和历史文化角度分析我国的检察权是法律监督权。
- The procuratorial power defining in legal supervision power is deeply based in our constitution system, historical culture tradition and Chinese particular situation. 我国检察权定位于法律监督权,这一定位深深地根植于我国的宪政结构体制、历史文化传统以及具体国情之中。
- This right is embedded in our constitutional system. 这个权利铭刻在我们的宪法制度上。
- The Analysis of Crime Constitution of Common Crime 共同犯罪的犯罪构成探析
- New Views on Country's Crime Constitution Theory 我国犯罪构成理论体系新论
- progressive crime constitution theory 递进式犯罪构成理论
- Selection of model of crime constitution 犯罪构成模式选择
- important document of crime constitution 构成要件
- However, a participant took the view that the number of seats should dovetail with the future constitutional system. 但有嘉宾认为,议席数目须与未来的政制衔接。
- In a properly constituted system of society such men as these would be regarded as a danger to the community. 在一个制度健全的社会里,这类人应该被看作是社会的危害。
- The theory of crime constitution condition completion as logically coherent theory conflicts with our crime constitution theory and the basic of criminal responsibility of unaccomplished crimes. 通说的犯罪构成要件齐备说与我国犯罪的构成理论、未完成形态犯罪负刑事责任的根据相冲突。