- Part two partitions the crime of medical accident and the crimeless, and the crime of medical accident and the other crimes. 首先比较了医疗事故罪与非罪的界限,包括医疗事故罪与一般医疗事故、医疗意外、医疗并发症、特别抢救行为的界限。
- Because the crime of medical accident is a negligent crime, it only related to the imaginative joinder of offenses and the series offenses of the crime of medical accident. 医疗事故罪的想象竞合犯,即行为人实施的一个犯罪行为同时触犯了数个罪名,其中一个罪名为医疗事故罪的犯罪形态,遵从想象竞合犯的处断原则,应当从一重重处断。
- Firstly compares the crime of medical accident and the crimeless, including the medical accident, the unexpected medical damage, the syndrome, and the special emergency medical treatment. 其次比较了医疗事故罪与相关犯罪的界限,包括医疗事故罪与非法行医罪、重大责任事故罪、玩忽职守罪及过失致人死亡、过失致人重伤罪的界限。
- Concept in Law of Medical Treatment of Crime of Medical Accident 医疗事故罪中医疗行为的法律界定
- Research on "Harming the Health of Patient Seriously" of Crime of Medical Accident 论医疗事故罪中"严重损害就诊人身体健康"之认定
- crimes of medical accident 医疗事故罪
- Crime of Medical Accident 医疗事故罪
- Now incumbent appraisement expert of medical accident in heilongjiang province and haerbin city. 现任黑龙江省和哈尔滨市医疗事故鉴定专家。
- Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties. 暴力罪行要承受严厉的惩罚。
- The injury reparation of medical accident should be adapted to the rule of negligence presumption and conduction of reverse the burden of proof. 医疗事故的法律性质为侵权责任,医疗事故的损害赔偿应适用过错推定原则,实行举证责任倒置。
- In order to deal with the medical accident due to medical equipme nts,the significance of QA and QC of medical equipments was discussed from medical onus probandi inversion. 本文介绍了新形势下的医疗设备质量保证与质量控制对因医疗设备引起的医疗事故处理中“反取证”工作的重要性。
- The crime of accident of medical treatment 医疗事故罪
- After the new disposal bylaw of medical accident was issued, the law conscious of patients were strengthened obviously, which would cause the increasing of disputes. 新的医疗事故处理条例颁发以后,患者的法律意识明显增强,导致医患之间的争议呈现上升的趋势。
- Medical accident should also include medical error besides liability accident and technical accident.The legal nature of medical accident is tortious liability. 医疗事故除包括责任事故和技术事故外,还应包括医疗差错。
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- To analyze qualitative and damningly dispute of medical staffs receiving drug s rebate and bring out juristic inconsistency with crime of bribery punishment. 分析医务人员收受药品回扣的定性争议,提出以受贿罪论处存在的法律矛盾。
- Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stallin. 我们不能掩饰他的罪行。
- Thoughtway on the Lawmaking of the Byelaw of Medical Accident Management insists on the principles of equality, equity and publicity and gives prominence to the principle of prevention. 医疗事故处理条例的立法思路,坚持了公平、公正、公开原则,突出预防为主的原则;
- Case study on crimes of embezzling public money II. 挪用公款罪判解研究2。
- With crimes of passion, there's no premeditation. 冲动型犯罪不是预谋所以比较晚知道。