- criminal case photography 刑事摄影
- They were reinvestigating a criminal case. 他们正在复查一桩刑事案件。
- He has no connection with the criminal case. 他与那件刑事案件无关。
- The criminal case comes before the court. 那桩刑事案件已送法院审理。
- Almost certain proof needed to convict a person in a criminal case. 所需要给刑事案中某人定罪的几乎是肯定的证据。
- The higher people's court decided to rehear this criminal case. 高级人民法院决定复审这桩刑事案件。
- In this criminal case, she is the principal offender. 在这起犯罪案件中她是正犯。
- In criminal cases a Q.C. may appear alone. 在刑事案件中,王室法律顾问可以单独出庭。
- Blood turns up as evidence in many criminal cases. 在许多刑事案件中,血被认为是证据。
- Two criminal cases were being considered. 两宗刑事案件于考虑中。
- They made open and secret investigations to solve this criminal case. 他们明察暗访,把这件案子侦破了。
- There is no denying the fact that he got involved in the criminal case. 无法否认他与刑事案件有牵连这一事实。
- A criminal case, however, involves a person who is accused of breaking a law. 然而,一起刑事案件牵涉到一个被指控犯了法的人。
- A criminal case, however, involves a person who is accused of breaking of law. 然而,一起刑事案件牵涉到一个被指控犯了法的人。每日一。
- The time limit of the review of a retried criminal case is 4 months. 办理再审刑事复核案件的期限为四个月;
- Civil claim annexed to a criminal case has always been tough in adjudication. 刑事附带民事诉讼案件一直是审判实践中难以处理的案件。
- Arraignment - The initial appearance before a judge in a criminal case. ) 传讯。在刑诉判决前的初次出庭。
- Do You Know Why So Many Criminal Cases Occurred in the Banks? 您想知道为什么银行老出案子吗?
- In criminal cases the jury is not normally concerned with sentence. 在刑事案件中,正规地讲,陪审团不涉及到量刑。
- The prosecution in a criminal case has to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused commits the crime. 刑事案中的原告方必须超出合理怀疑范围地确定被告犯了罪。