- criminal intent and negligence 罪过
- The culpability of the crime committed by a unit should include intent and negligence, also supervisory negligence. 单位犯罪的罪过,应当包括故意和过失,也应当包括监督过失;
- The author holds the belief that the type of consequence-aggravated crime including both intention and negligence should be eliminated from the criminal code of the P.R.C. 本文作者认为,在立法上应消除对加重结果既包含故意又包含过失的结果加重犯类型,同时合理确定结果加重犯的法定刑。
- Viewing from phycology, intent and negligence can"t outline many activities ofhuman beings completely.But strict liability can meet the need that the rulers buffet other subjective crimes. 从心理学角度来讲,故意和过失并不能完全概括出人类丰富的内心活动,严格责任可以满足现阶段统治阶级打击其他主观形式犯罪的需要;
- The Analyis of Criminal Intent and Precaution in Ancient 古代犯罪原因及预防思想探析
- There is certain difference on offence form major labor safe accident crime in the crime law theory field.It is showed by whether including the fault of indirectly intention and negligence. 摘要我国刑法理论界对重大劳动安全事故罪罪过形式的看法存在一定的分歧,主要体现在是否包括间接故意、疏忽大意的过失。
- No one could spy out the intent and meaning of it. 没有人能查出它的意图和意义。
- Can you sue for malpractice and negligence? 你可以控告渎职和失职?
- This failure results from ignorance and negligence. 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
- Ignorance and negligence resulted in this mistake. 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
- Ignorance and negligence has caused this mistake. 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
- intention and negligence of crime 罪过
- To all intent and purpose the business is my cousin's. 实质上商店是我表哥的。
- To all intents and purposes the business is my cousin's. 实质上商店是我表哥的。
- As a mentation, criminal intent shall consist of cognition factor and will factor. 犯罪故意的构造包括认识因素和意志因素。
- Several Problems in Criminal Cases Concerning the Liability for Medical Malpractice and Negligence. 对医疗责任事故犯罪案件中若干问题的思考。
- As a mentation, criminal intent shall consistof cognition factor and will factor. 犯罪故意的构造包括认识因素和意志因素。
- Wolf Films: Law and Order, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Dragnet (2003 version). 沃尔夫电影公司:《法律与秩序》、《法律与秩序:特殊受害者单元》、《法律与秩序:犯罪动机》、《警网(2003年版)》。
- To all intents and purposes the case is closed. 实际上这个案子已了结了
- Therefore, the basic character of instigation is to stimulate another’s criminal intent. 被教唆人接受教唆人的犯意教唆,进而实施犯罪行为,又体现了被教唆人的客观反价值。