- criminal litigation procedure 刑事诉讼程序
- In addition, some countries of civil law system have adopted discovery of evidence, after their criminal litigation changing from inquisitorial proceedings to adversary procedure. 此外,一些大陆法系国家在刑事诉讼构造由职权主义转向当事人主义之后,也在立法上相应地设置了有关证据开示方面的内容。
- criminal litigation procedures [法] 刑事诉讼程序
- But if the victims are not allowed to agree with it,the proper objective of criminal litigation can not attain. 但若不经被害人同意强行进行辩诉交易,就会违背刑诉的正当目的。
- In criminal litigation, the advocates' personal rights are the foundation of other rights. 在刑事诉讼中,辩护律师人身权是律师一切权利的基础。
- Character evidence is a special form of evidence which is widely used in American criminal litigation. 品格证据作为一种特殊的证据形式,在美国刑事诉讼中被广泛运用。
- litigation procedure of criminal compensation 刑事赔偿诉讼程序
- The system of judging by default in criminal litigation plays an important role in enhancing litigation efficiency and ensuring social justice. 刑事诉讼中的缺席判决制度在提高诉讼效率、保障社会正义等方面发挥着极大的作用。
- Criminal litigation of untries all over the world trend to strengthen supervision and control for investigation of procuratorial organs. 世界各国刑事诉讼制度有加强检察机关对侦查的监督和控制的趋势。
- The establishment of illegal evidence exclusion rules aims at making the theor of our criminal litigation more scientific and democratic. 建构我国刑事非法证据排除规则旨在推动我国刑事诉讼理论、立法与司法实务的科学化、民主化。
- The center of civil judicial reformation is to reappraise the value of civil litigation procedure. 民事审判方式改革的核心问题就是要重新评价程序价值。
- "Family-first" determines the two-parties structure that the prosecutor prosecutes and interrogates the accused in Chinese ancient criminal litigation. 家庭本位观决定了我国古代刑事诉讼中追诉者对被追诉者进行追诉、审问的两面结构。
- China is experiencing the transform from identity to contract at present, so we should bring the spirit of contract into the criminal litigation. 当前,我国社会同样面临着由身份向契约的转变,因此需要将契约因素纳入到刑事诉讼中来。
- This thesis expatiates on the basic character of a suspected offender's affidavit which is one of the most familiar evidences now in criminal litigation in China. 本文阐述了我国现阶段刑事诉讼证据中最常见的被告人的供述笔录基本特征。
- Abstract: Judicial proof authentication at court is a litigation procedure during which judges attest the truth of the case at court. 文摘:法官当庭认证是法官当庭认证案件事实的一种诉讼活动。
- Article 2 Lawyers shall, when dealing with the legal business in criminal litigation, maintain state secrets, the clients' commercial secrets and individual privacies. 第二条律师在办理刑事诉讼业务过程中应当保守国家秘密、委托人的商业秘密和个人隐私。
- Establishing the mechanism of medical treatment arbitrates, and the simple litigation procedure related, it could fast resolve the medical dispute. 建立医疗仲裁机制,以及相关的简洁的民事诉讼程序,能快速有效的解决医患关系中的矛盾和冲突。
- Incidental civil litigation system proceeds with criminal litigation, and it is caused by the party who suffer in the criminal proceeding.Its purpose is to make up their loss. 刑事附带民事诉讼是指在刑事诉讼程序进行中,由因犯罪而私权受损害的人,对于被告及依民法应负赔偿责任的人,附带提起民事诉讼。
- Scientific and democratic censorship and proceeding is of crucial importance to the fulfillment of such goals as justice and efficiency in China’s criminal litigation. 科学、民主的审查起诉程序对于我国刑事诉讼公正、效率等价值的实现有着相当重要的作用。
- As compared to civil litigation procedure, civil noncontentious proceedings shows the characteristics of identity in character and basic principle. 与民事诉讼程序的相比,民事非讼程序在特征和基本原则二个方面表现出同一性特征。