- A simple, efficient in-memory cache stores the key and rank values that matched the search criteria and any data that has already been retrieved. 有一个简单、有效的内存缓存用来存储匹配搜索条件的键值和等级值,以及检索到的所有数据。
- Riches and rank are anathema to me. ""富贵"二字,不料遭我荼毒了!"
- He could smell it, strong and hot and rank. 他闻得见那气味,很强烈,热烘烘腥臭腥臭的。
- Her vices sprang up vast and rank. 她的邪恶迅猛地滋长着。
- Class using the specified array type and rank. 使用指定的数组类型和秩初始化。
- Class using the specified array type name and rank. 使用指定的数组类型名称和秩初始化。
- We track all referrals and rank them accordingly. 我们将根据您推荐朋友的次数排列位次。
- What is the level and rank you soloed it first? 学生在外国留学、学习外语同时,可亲身体验外国文化。
- To check the company general management criteria and stipulations. 组织公司通用管理标准及规章制度的维护和实施状况检查工作;
- Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management in Canada. 加拿大森林可持续管理标准和指标评介
- Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of byssinosis. 棉尘病诊断标准及处理原则.
- The table shows the scoring for each criterion and criterion group. 上表显示每一准则和准则组别的评分。
- Glory,honour,wealth,and rank,such thing is nothing but shadow. 荣誉、财富、地位无非是虚幻的泡影。
- Glory, honour, wealth, and rank, such thing is nothing but shadow. 荣誉、财富、地位无非是虚幻的泡影。
- criteria and rank 标准与等级
- Switch Song Jiao to the first place, and rank Song Ji tenth. 把宋交换成第一,把宋吉换成第十。”
- Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of industrial fluorosis. 工业性氟病诊断标准及处理原则.
- I destroy all noisome and rank weeds, I keep down all pestilent vapours. 我摧毁了一切丛生的毒草,控制一切有害的烟雾。
- Propulsion system selection criteria and mission analysis are introduced. 推进系统的选择标准以及任务分析也将一一介绍。