- Rectifiers are the critical components in a smelter potline. 整流器是熔炉电解槽中的关键组成部分。
- Verify of safety critical component i. 安规器件合格与否的判定。
- Company E is a critical component of the battalion. 连是该营非常重要的组成部分。
- This is one of the most critical components of computers, and errors here have significant consequences. 作为计算机中最重要的组成之一,文件系统一旦出了差错,后果将会很严重。
- Excellent understanding of true material lead times for all critical components and assemblies. 对所有主要的零件与装配件的真实供应周期有非常充分的了解。
- Student's epistemic beliefs have become one of critical components of understanding student's learning. 学生的认识信念是理解学生学习过程的关键成分之一。
- Tuning your Exchange storage becomes the most critical component. 因此,调整Exchange存储成为最关键的步骤。
- CA (certificate authority) is a critical component in PKI. CA(certificate authority)是PKI中的关键设施.
- LNA is the critical component in the RF front-end circuits. 低杂讯放大器在射频前端系统中是一个很重要的元件。
- Responsibilty:Work together with APO to identify critical components &get samples.Linking for the supplier &AP...... ... 公司名称:伊莱克斯杭州工作地点:浙江省杭州市发布时间:2008-12-2
- High performance divider has been one of the critical components of processors in many large calculation applications such as 3D image processing. 摘要在3D图像处理等对运算要求高的领域,高效除法器已成为处理器内必不可少的部件。
- Abstract: The exclusive lanes and stop turnouts are critical components of a BRT system, and this paper focuses on the layout patterns of these components. 摘要: 专用车道和站台是快速公交系统(BRT)重要的设施要素,对其布设模式进行了研究。
- This paper also proposes the different methods for evaluation the mean-life of some critical components including LCD, battery and capacitors in a static kWh meter. 在此基础上,本文还探讨影响电子式电能表寿命的LCD、电池和电容等元器件的寿命评定方法。
- "Craving and relapse are critical components of addiction, and we have been able to demonstrate these behaviors in sugar-bingeing rats in a number of ways. 渴望与故态复萌是成瘾的关键要素,我们已能利用不同方法,在饮糖的大鼠身上证明这些行为。"
- Planar inductors become one of the most critical components in RF ICs, and it is usually fabricated in square, rectangular, octagonal, or circular shapes. 最近几年,世界各国的研究人员在硅基射频集成电路的设计和制作方面进行了大量的研究,使硅基射频集成电路的性能不断得到提高。
- The forms registry is a critical component of Microsoft Outlook Web Access. 窗体注册表是Microsoft Outlook Web Access的一个重要组件。
- The flow diversion valve is another critical component of the system. 流量转向阀是这套设备装置中另一个关键组成部分。
- Kohlberg's theory understands values as a critical component of the right. 柯尔伯格理论“理解”价值是正义的关键成分。
- These are critical components to allow toner-based digital print devices to successfully produce mailers that can sustain the rigors of the postal stream. 这些都是重要组成部分,使墨粉为基础的数字印刷设备,成功地生产邮寄,可以维持严格的邮政流。
- Employs international fomed brand critical component parts to ensure quality. 关健零部件采用国际名牌,质量更可靠。